Karaoke- everyone

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Pre authors note:
Writing the word Karaoke actually hurts me.
Also my season allergies have been killing me 💔

Not long after they were all tired of being split up, they agreed to meet back up in the main room by Karnak's old box. Most of them would rather switch things up, but sometimes they liked to do the same things, which they were going to do today. They remembered how they had all done Karaoke just 3 nights ago, and it had been a really fun time for each one of them. They all had simultaneously agreed to do it again. It was 1pm. They met up and turned on their old TV. "Who wants to go first?" Ocean asked. No one volunteered, all settling in or thinking of what to do. "... I will then!" Ocean said. They didn't have a microphone, just YouTube (somehow, even though the tv was old.)  she knew what song she was going to sing, and she knew it would make everyone sad. Sometimes she loved it. To make people sad. She loved the idea of just making a change. When they all saw "Last words of a shooting star- mitski" they knew they were about to cry. Ocean started singing steadily, and then got more and more rough as she sang. Noel looked at her with so much pity as she sang the last words. You could see this look in her eyes that showed that even though she appreciated what she had now, she knew that she had so much more potential and now it had gone to waste. Sure, this was the most amazing feeling ever, that she was free, but she still felt like there was always something missing. Noel ran up to hug her. "Noel," she paused, laughing. "You're more emotional than I am sometimes." Noel pulled back. "I am not very emotional. I just feel bad for you. Only sometimes." Noel said, laughing.

Noel got up to go next. He smiled in a way that showed the whole group that he was about to do something that would be good, and also probably hilarious. It would either make them die laughing or cry of embarrassment. Or maybe a mix of both. "Oh no." Mischa said as noel searched, "Mamas broken heart by Miranda lambert." They had seen Noel's playlist before, he used to play it for them all the time before choir concerts. He loved this song ever since he was a little boy, and his mom hated it. There were so many things he'd done when he was little that his mom hated. His mom and dad used to get really mad if he acted feminine, so ocean had to pretend to be his girl friend in front of his parents for all of sixth and seventh grade. That's what made them best friends because they still thought it was absolutely hilarious that they did something like that. His parents still knew whether he tried to fake it or not. When the song started to play, everyone started smiling (except for Jane because she didn't know the song.) The amount of times they had listened to this song together was insane. Noel started singing his heart out when it got to the chorus, surprisingly singing just like the singer. His vocal range was insane, he used to cover ocean when she was rarely not at rehearsal because he could sing high notes. Sometimes higher than her, but ocean would never ever admit that. "How is that possible?" Constance asked as he got to the end. You'd think he'd been a singer his whole life. "I don't even know." Mischa said, admiring him. "I think it's the.. feminine energy." Mischa said. While Noel appreciated hearing it, he didn't really like it at all. He side eyed him, and then signaled that he should go up next.. He acted like nothing happened. Oh well. He thought as Mischa got up to the tv.

Mischa wasn't a big put-on-a-show kind of person. It just wasn't his nature. He'd do it if everyone else was, but he just didn't really like it. This was normal for a long time. When they were all alive, almost all of them did the schools musicals together (that he could remember,) but he never cared for that. He never even really cared for choir, but it didn't matter because he had to join it because of Ocean. His adoptive parents never cared either, so Noels mom used to drive them both to everything. Noel's mom and dad were really nice people. Mischa smiled at Noel, who smiled back. Mischa typed in "Head over heels tears for fears." He messed up the words, but the tv still got the message. This was a song he'd secretly liked in his life, he just never talked about it because he went against his "gangster persona" by listening to it. But now he knew he didn't have to follow that persona anymore, so he no longer cared. He was a bass in choir, so sometimes it got hard to sing sort of high. Singing this song was pretty comfortable for him, though. The music started playing and every memory came back to him. One time, during Constances 13th birthday party, they all slept over and listened to this song. That's how Mischa had learned about it. It was an amazing memory that he had stored in his mind.  Noel smiled at him while Mischa sang. He didn't sing his heart out, but he did sing. He felt so many feelings all at once. He just tried not to show it. He got to the bridge while everyone stared at him in awe. He truly had beautiful singing, and it was amazing to listen to. Everyone had no words. When he finished, everyone applauded and was silent. He smiled at them all. "You really do sing beautiful, Mischa." Ricky told him. Ricky was on the quieter side, but he showed appreciation for everyone. Mischa smiled and said, "it's your turn."

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