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Taehyung caressed my crown as I wept painfully on Jin's shoulder, shivering cause of the extremely overwhelmed emotions.

Jin: shh it's okay rayna. We are here, right? Together? So stop crying now.

He kissed my temple to calm me down, slowly stroking my back to console me slightly, his hands progressed to my lower back and a pierced whine left my lips, making Jin flinch. The pain was turning severe with each passing minute, slowly traversing towards my lower abdomen.

Jin: hey? Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?

Panic was dribbling down his words as he grasped me tightly examining me head to toe, taehyung was horrified too. I shook my head to shrug the topic off. They are already overwrought, I don't want to add fuel to the burning blaze.

Me: I'm fine it's just-

Before I could finalize my sentence, taehyung spun me around and a loud gasp fled their lips as their gazes witnessed the long scrape I got on my back while protecting hoseok and jimin

Taehyung: Rayna you are bleeding to death!

Jin: your dress-

He peeled off his jacket and wrapped it around me, helping me to wear it, covering my exposed bleeding back. His scent filled my senses making me dizzy. God, he smells so delicio-  Rayna what!!!!

Taehyung: take her out of here jin hyung. If she unleashes any more blood further she may lose her consciousness.

Jin nodded and instantly picked me up, I flinched and tried to free myself from his grip.

Me: I'm fine Jin! Put me down!

I wiggled into his grip but his hold was firm, the pain in my lower back and abdomen wasn't helping either. The pang struck once again and my body strengthened as I made an effort not to show any signs of pain on my face, jin was confused by the sudden halt of my motion but chose to ignore it.

Jin: you are not close to fine, I'm taking you back home end of the discussion !!

Me: no! I won't leave you guys here!

I squirmed to free myself once again but the effort was in vain. But unexpectedly my eyes shifted to a shadow right behind Jin, my eyes widened but before I could warn the soldier kicked Jin hard causing him to unleash his balance and collapse taking me with him with a loud groan. Taehyung attacked the combatant but his backup was right behind him, two more soldiers flung themselves on tae as they tried to take him down.

Jin was supporting my head safeguarding it from hitting the ground as he groned on top of me.


Taehyung roared as he was arm choaking two soldiers averting them to come get us. Jin nodded and flung his body off me, picking me up again. Before I could process he started sprinting leaving Taehyung on his own.

Me; Jin no!! We can't leave him behind !! Stop!!

I protested as I glanced back, noticing Taehyung was getting beaten up by the three men violently. My eyes widened, and tears pooled my eyes.

Me: Jin please stop! STOP!

I harshly wiggled my body but he was way too strong. I cried as my eyes landed on tae lying on the ground groping the soldier's leg preventing him from following, and getting kicked by the two men.

Taehyung: DON'T STOP! RUN! RU-

The soldier kicked his face hard, cutting his sentence. Blood pooled on the ground but his grip was firm on the soldier's leg. I sobbed hard and flung my body hard, Jin's grip on my body loosened and I jumped off his hold sprinting back to Taehyung. He caught the glimpse of me coming back to him, his bloody eyes widening.

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