she's ours <3

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Junkook's pov :

I smiled as I caressed raynas hair, she was curled up into my arms taking a nap after a very heated session. The night sky was visible through my window as the cold comforting breeze danced with the curtains of my room.

I glanced at her beautiful face once again, she was so perfect I couldn't help but stare, I hoped she was not hurt. But I'm her first!!! I blushed and covered my face with my palm as I was trying hard not to sequel. But I AM HER FIRST!!!!! I giggled

Me: I'm her first!!!

I whispered. I hugged her naked body more caressing her back as I gazed at her again.

Jikios pov.

Maid: your Highness.

The maid entered my room and bowed, I didn't pay her any glance as she was not important enough.

Me: Did you get what I asked for??

Maid: yes your Highness.

I glanced at her and at that same movement ha-eun entered.

Ha-eun: you called me Your Highness? 

She bowed and I smirked, ha-eun was the only person who could help me destroy Rayna.

Me: yes ha-eun.

I darted at the maid.

Me: tell me what you got.

Maid: when I explored and searched raynas room I found this letter and a bottle of rare poison in her belongings.

Ha-eun's eyes widen. I forwarded my hand and the maid placed the letter on it.
I unfurled it and handed it to Ha-Eun. Cause she was the one who could read and translate Rayan's language.

Me: read it out loud.

She was hesitant for a minute but I put on an incensed look and she began reading it. As she was going on my smirk grew wider and wider.

Me: that's it!! Now no can can stop me from throwing you out of here Rayna!

I smiled with an evil intention.

Me: post that letter.

Ha-eun: but Your Highness, you are misunderstanding. Rayna composed this letter before this marriage but she didn't dispatch it.

Me: how did you know?

Ha-eun: Gopi told me about it, Rayna wanted to give a chance to kings so she decided not to do it.

Me:*laugh* wow, that's even better now! Maid post it.

Ha-eun: b..but your Highness...

Me: shut up!!! And if you dare to tell anybody the truth about this letter, I will give you a painful death and make sure no one can find your body.

Ha-eun teared up but I didn't care, Rayna was a big threat to me I needed to do something real quick to save my position in this royal family.

Me: how much time this letter will take to arrive at her brother's palace?

Maid: 3-5 months your highness.

Me: okay, you can go now, hand me the bottle.

The maid left after conveying me the small poison bottle. I slowly made my way towards Ha-eun. She was trying hard not to cry. I grabbed her hair bun and yanked it down making her whimper in pain.

Raynaa...🪷Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt