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Aunt: she's still your wife, don't overlook that you are kings. King can marry whoever they want and how many they desire. The number of wives exhibits a man's power king's. Don't be weakling.

She declared as I could hear others scoff at her unpredictable statement. How could she??

Yoongi: Aunt this is so substandard of you.! We can't do this to Rayna! We vowed to her.

Aunt: Promised her what?

I could sense the hasty change in Aunt's aura.

Jimin: we vowed that no other woman will replace her and she will be our only one.

Aunt: this is so stupid!! Have you lost your minds kings??? Can't you see she's controlling you all like puppets? Dancing on her fingertips.

That's it!

Namjoon: stop it aunt, one more absurd word about her, and we are done. Don't forget that we are kings and she's your queen. Take her name with almighty respect! You are older than us and practically raised us we are appreciative but that doesn't give you the right to set outlandish allegations about our wife! AND YOUR QUEEN!

I slightly raised my voice against her unknowingly. Drawing breath hard and trying my best not to let my anger take over me. This was my first time talking back to her with such a harsh tone but she asked for it. Why is she so salty when it comes to my Rayna? It's acceptable that this union was sudden and father didn't ask for aunt's approval, but she should at least try to get to know her well. It's freaking six months since Rayna tied up this knot of seven lives with us and I barely saw Aunt have a proper conversation with her. All she did was accuse her and try to bring her down. My chain of thoughts was broken when I witnessed her smirk. Giving me a false feeling in my gut. 

Aunt: sure king namjoon, I will address her with respect. Now that you all are grown up and standing up against me. Okay then let's take this that way. You may leave now.

She got up from her seat walking away without any second word, I slanted my head partially to catch a glimpse of her leaving the room with the corner of my eyes. A sight left my lips as my fingers made their way toward my temples massaging them to relieve some stress.

Taehyung: thank you so much hyung for standing up for Rayna.

Taehyung expressed his thankfulness and bowed. I smiled but my thoughts were still occupied by the portrayal of the smirk aunt gave me before she departed. Should I take it as a warning?

On the other hand

(Rayna's pov)

Jungkook: wait for us.

He spoke out his thoughts as his eyes shined with hope, 

Rayna: I will.

With that, they strolled off. I beamed as I thought back to all the adorable time we spent together, but what caught my awareness was a small nod from the special servant. I scowled and followed her gaze which led me to ha-eun, huh? Suspicion encircled my brain but I shrugged it off. They were probably greeting each other. I shrugged and began making my way to my room but halted when ha-eun blocked my way.

Ha-eun: Queen heading towards your dorm?

She inquired, with a smile.

Me: yes.

Ha-eun: if you don't mind would you like to accompany me to the garden?

Garden? I thought for a moment, I have never stopped by it before. The portrayal of flowers and their aroma filled my nose making me smile. I don't presume back to when was the last time I came by a nice garden, except when yoongi brought me to that hidden gem.

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