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Sha'Carri Richardson

I watched my cousin quickly take down three shots back to back. I'm amused cause after two shots I be ready to throw up.

My other cousin started laughing causing me to laugh too. I don't know what's funny, I just know I'm barely present.

"Y'all heard the sound of them gulps?" Day asked as we continued to laugh, "That throat do some things"

We started laughing more as Shanarra just gave us a blank stare. She hate us real bad right now cause we been cracking jokes all night.

"Fuck y'all, nasty ass bitches" Shanarra said while sticking her middle finger up at us

"Alright, we done cracking on you" I said while tryna hold back my laugh

"No, fuck you" she responded causing me to snicker, "Let's go get another shot"

"I'm already damn near drunk" I said not really wanting to get another one

I'm not a drinker, so two shots be enough for me. I'm a light weight, I get drunk easily.

I don't know how many shot I took, but I know it's more than I should've had. I'm just tryna have a nice girls outing with my cousin.

We never have time to be together because somebody's always not available.

We made our way over to the bar and I got another shot. They got two, but I can't push myself past the limit no more.

"I need to get rid of the rest of these ones" Day said while holding her stack of ones up

"Me too" Shanarra agreed before starting to dig in her purse, "And I wanna throw these on her"

She pointed to one of the strippers before I shook my head at her.

"You be so fake gay when you drunk" I said while laughing before she gave me a look

"Your fake gay ass cannot talk about nobody being fake gay" she spat out causing my mouth to drop and Shanarra laughed

"She ain't lie, hoes out her pretending to be in love and shit" Shanarra said cause me to stop her in her tracks

"Alright cause now y'all just talking"

"No bitch, we gone see how long you be in love" Day said sarcastically before I chuckled

"Fuck y'all, for real"

Am I in love? No.

For me it takes a lot to fall in love with somebody. It's nothing wrong with that, everybody ain't the same.

I do like A'ja though, so it don't matter if I'm in love. I feel like being in love means you will go over the top in different ways for your person.

I'll go over the top for A'ja to a certain extent.


We went to throw the rest of our ones on the strippers, which lasted for ten minutes. Once we was done, we made our way back to our section.

"This hoe can't even stand up. Narra get the fuck up, dead ass" Day said while tryna pull Shanarra up off the floor

"She play too much" I mumbled before the music stopped catching my attention

"How many nasty motherfuckas we got in this bitch tonight?" the DJ yelled through the mic before everybody screamed, "Let's get nasty"

Nasty Song by Lil Ru came on before we all jumped up dancing. Shanarra ass play too much for real cause no way she jumped up for this song, but not when we tried to get her up.

We was just dancing and recording ourself and each other. This song a little before my time, but it's always gone hit.

I love it.

It went off before I sat down and closed my eyes before the room started spinning. Everything went black before I woke panicking a little.

Once I realized that I was at Day's house, I calmed down. My head is killing me and fucking leg hurt.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled to myself before grabbing my phone from beside me

It's damn near dead.

I looked to see that it was texts and calls from people. The ones that stuck out to me the most was A'ja notifications.

She called me thirty six times and sent sixteen messages. I looked to see that she left a voicemail too before I clicked on it to listen.

"I'm gone be calm about it, but I really want you to know that you got me fucked up. Like I said, you go back home and act stupid. Sha'Carri you so disrespectful, you don't deserve me .. "

"What's the problem now?" I asked myself getting annoyed, I'm confused as fuck

"You go to the club and do dumb disrespectful shit. Moving like you not in a whole relationship. And let's talk about this tattoo, you thought I wouldn't find out?..."

My heart dropped because she right, I thought she wouldn't. She wanted to get my name tatted too, but in the same font and language as Jermaines.

She told me to send her a picture to show the tattoo artist, so that's what I did. I guess she translated and figured it out.

Who would think to translate it?

She got too much time on her hands. What's making it worse is we made plans for her to come today.

This ain't finna end well.

"And I bet you, you don't even know they posting you all over these tea pages. Sha'Ca —" I quickly swiped out going to Instagram

It's so many people tagging me in stuff, it too much. I clicked on a video before my mouth dropped in disbelief.

"Day" I yelled while throwing my phone down and getting out the bed, "Daysha"

"Bitch what you yelling my name for?" she yelled back as I made my way out the room to find her, "I'm in the living room"

I rushed to the living room damn near breaking my ass because my leg almost gave out on me. The same leg that hurt, I need to know why too.

"Why y'all let me be all over that nigga in the club last night?" I yelled before receiving a confused look

"What nigga?"

"Go to instagram on your phone" she picked up her phone before I directed her to the tea page

"This must've been when you told us you was going to the bathroom. I was wondering why you was taking so long"

"Why would y'all let my drunk ass walk to the bathroom by myself?"

"We offered to go with you, but you said you was sober. Shit, we was drunk too. We ain't know, why?"

"A'ja is on my ass" she started laughing before I scrunched my face up, "That shit not funny"

"Sha'Carri you don't even like her for real, you don't like women. You being delusional, why you care so much?"

"Daysha if I didn —" I stopped and took a deep breath, "You pissing me off"

"Carri you and this fake gay shit been killing me since you told me you been messing with her. From the looks of the video, you liked what that nigga was doing"

"I'm finna go home, and what happened to my leg?"

"Bitch you fell tryna walk down the stairs" she said carelessly

This shit is wild.

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