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Sha'Carri Richardson

"Can you utilize the prop?" the lady said before I picked up the baton from the floor, "Yes, you can do anything"

I posed before they got the shot. I'm in Atlanta right now collaborating with Nike. I'm doing a photoshoot to promote their new gym clothes.

I recently just partnered with them, and I'm so excited. Later on today, we're having a welcoming dinner to welcome me.

I continued to do different poses before running out. I've never been able to just pose like a regular person, I don't know why.

"I ran out of poses to do" I said while laughing a little before the photographer laughed too

"Just keep doing the same thing"

I followed her instructions before eventually finishing up. My team helped pack all of our stuff up before we left.

We headed back to the hotel that we're staying in. I got in the shower before getting the bed to take a nap.

I have about four hours to get in some sleep before the dinner. I struggled for about an hour before eventually falling asleep.

I got woken up by the door being knocked on. I opened it to come face to face with the stylists. These are the stylists who were at the photo shoot earlier.

They want me to wear something specific, so they're getting me ready. I allowed them to take full control while hoping to be satisfied at the end.

"You look stylish" A'ja said over Facetime to me causing me to crack a smile

"Thank you"

"You gone take pictures and post?" She asked before I shook my head no


"Take pictures so I can comment" she said causing me to laugh a little

"What you gone say?"

"Ima say "damn lil shorty, what's your name?'. Straight up" I started laughing and the stylists did as well

This girl plays all damn day

"They think you funny, and I'm definitely not posting now. We gone be on somebody's tea page"

"Alright post on the story, i'll flood them messages" she said causing me to nod my head being okay with that idea

"Okay, that's better"

"You gone bring me food back?" she asked before I gave her a look

"You gone catch a flight to come get it?"


"There go your answer" I told her before she chuckled a little

We finished talking before hanging up and eventually I was done getting ready. My entire team was finished and we took pictures before leaving.

Once we made it to the dinner everybody gave a welcoming speech. I gave my a speech as well before digging in.

They have everything under the sun, and I'm definitely taking to go plates. There's chicken, rice and gravy, macaroni, oxtails, cornbread, etc.

I love it here already.

I was just eating and talking to everybody. We're talking about work and our personal life. A typical conversation you would have at a dinner table, right?

It wasn't until Jermaine came walking in before I froze. Everybody grew confused and started whispering.

They tryna figure out who the hell he is.

"Sha'Carri so this what you do now?" He asked all loudly while approaching me, "I gotta catch flights and shit to talk to you"

"Jermaine walk away" I said calmly while trying to keep my composure

"What the fuck you mean walk away, why you ignoring me?" He came closer before I put my head down embarrassed

What the fuck?

"You're not supposed to be here" one of the lady's said before he mugged her

"And don't be disrespectful to nobody" I demanded to him, "Jermaine go"

"No, and nobody else better not say shit to me. This my bitch, this my bitch. Come here" he said while trying to pull me up

"Stop, no" I said while pulling away from him, "I'm gonna have them call the police on you"

"I'll be out that bitch tomorrow, on God"

"Do you want us to call the police?" My manager asked before I sighed

"Say yeah, I dare your dumb ass. When I get out I'm gone have a trick for you, so say yeah"

"No, it's okay" I told her before getting up from my seat, "I'm sorry, please excuse me"

I am so fucking embarrassed, I wanna cry. I may not ever show my face to them ever again. This is a horrible first impression.

We walked out in a private area to where nobody could see or hear us. I just want him gone, I don't wanna do this.

"You finna go back home with me"

"Jermaine I'm working, I'm not going nowhere" I told him before he gave me a serious death glare

Oh my God

"Who the fuck you talking to?"

"I'm just saying, I'm working. You're embarrassing as hell popping up on me like that"

He quickly pushed me against the wall before gripping on my neck. With his other hand he had a hold on my arm and was digging his nail in deep.

"Bitch I run you, I run every thing you got going on. If I say you coming back with me, you coming back"

I reached to grabbed his hand because of my lack of breathing. He wouldn't let go and I could see the most evilest look in his eyes.

This man is trying every way to tear me down and I can't get rid of him.

I felt myself black out and come back before he let go. I just stood there holding my neck and trying to catch my breath.

Without any hesitation, I started crying because that's the only thing I can do. Jermaine has been putting his hands on me for the longest.

I'm afraid to tell because it'll make it worse. Not only that, but I love his ass so much to the point where I don't want him in trouble

I wanna get out of the situation, but without him getting trouble.

"Jermaine stop, just stop" I begged before he nudged my head aggressively

"Hoe you stop, and listen to me, you can't run from me. You only gone make it worse, stop playing games"

"What do you want from me?"

"You so dumb" he laughed while shaking his head, "You think I want something from your no good ass?"

"Yes" I said before grabbed me aggressively while laughing diabolically

"I'm finna take everything you got — all your blessings, and fuck your life up. It's finna be a hard knock life for you bitch"


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