The Skeleton and the Garnet part 2

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(Y/N): Man there is NOTHING fun happening right about now *Y/N was sitting on the couch as Frisk walked in with Lar's* (Frisk): Y/N we need your help with something (Lar's): if you were to rank us all, Frisk me and Sadie who would be on the top (Y/N): Sadie cause she never bothers me and is the smartest out of the trio *Sadie shouted "I knew it" from outside as Frisk and Lar's sighed*.

(Frisk): This is outrageous (Lar's): blasphemous (Y/N): when did you start using big words Lar's? (Lar's): Since Frisk appeared I need bigger words to show how much I hate her (Y/N): is that why you were at our house at 5 in the morning? (Lar's): What can I say?

(Frisk): Next level hating what did I do to deserve this? (Lar's): You were born and you entered our life (Frisk): you lucky she isn't here right now cause your butt would be beaten (Y/N): anyways get out I'm tryna sleep right now (Lar's): fine *h...

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(Frisk): Next level hating what did I do to deserve this? (Lar's): You were born and you entered our life (Frisk): you lucky she isn't here right now cause your butt would be beaten (Y/N): anyways get out I'm tryna sleep right now (Lar's): fine *he sighed and walked out as Frisk looked around* (Frisk): where's Steven and the others? (Y/N): Went on a mission and I'm left alone.

(Frisk): Okay, also a quick question (Y/N): hm? (Frisk): What trait would best describe Sadie and Lar's (Y/N): hmm *Y/N thought for a bit before chuckling* (Y/N): brave and integrity (Frisk): which one describes who? (Y/N): You figure that out Frisk, now go and have fun with your siblings from another family (Frisk): WE'RE NOT SIBLINGS.

(Sadie): Ehhh we kinda act like it (Frisk): flip dude *Frisk walked out as Y/N sighed and laid down and closed his eyes but soon felt stares* (Steven): hey look Y/N's asleep (Amethyst): we gotta prank him (Pearl): why not let him get his sleep clearly he is tired (Garnet): I mean a little prank couldn't hurt (Amethyst): oh yeah Garnet sided with us *Pearl sighed and walked off as Steven grabbed some whip cream*.

(Steven): The oldest trick in the book, we place whip cream into his hand and then tickle his nose so he slams it onto his face (Amethyst): do you really think he would fall for that? (Steven): Of course he will *Steven placed some whip cream into his hand as Amethyst turned into a bird and Garnet plucked a feather* (Garnet): tickle tickle tickle (Y/N): a-a-a-a yeah no *Y/N quickly rubbed some whip cream in all of their faces making them laugh*.

(Steven): THAT'S CHEATING WE THOUGHT YOU WERE ASLEEP (Garnet): I thought that would work (Amethyst): well I guess we were wrong (Y/N): what can I say, you can never prank the prank master.

(Garnet): That was the hand that had whip cream on it (Y/N): uhhh well I guess you guys get half credit then *Y/N wiped the whip cream off of his chin* (Steven): anyways Y/N what are you doing here? (Y/N): I have no idea I'm just so bored, and kin...

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(Garnet): That was the hand that had whip cream on it (Y/N): uhhh well I guess you guys get half credit then *Y/N wiped the whip cream off of his chin* (Steven): anyways Y/N what are you doing here? (Y/N): I have no idea I'm just so bored, and kinda feeling weird today (Amethyst): define weird cause weird things always happen.

(Garnet): Like something has been bothering you? (Y/N): Yeah like something has been bothering me (Amethyst): well what is it? (Y/N): That door right there *Y/N pointed towards the door that led inside the temple where the gems rooms were* (Pearl): what about it? You've been in there before (Y/N): yeah I have, but It just gives me a weird feeling for some reason (Pearl): like something wrong with it?

(Y/N): Ion know (Pearl): well I'll be back (Amethyst): Steven wanna get something to eat? (Steven): Sure *the three walked out leaving Garnet who sat next to Y/N who was laying down* (Garnet): wanna talk about how you feel? (Y/N): It's harder than you think (Garnet): there wasn't anything about the door you just didn't feel comfortable talking about it with the others around didn't you?

(Y/N): Maybe... (Garnet): talk to me about it, what's wrong? (Y/N): Its one of those days where men or just anyone just feel randomly down, like you try to be happy but eventually it all comes crumbling down (Garnet): does it have to do with something yesterday? (Y/N): You could say that I should have known that they were going to go in there regardless of what I said.

(Y/N): But it pissed me off that they didn't listen (Garnet): true but you can't control what others do (Y/N): but you can influence them enough to the point you can (Garnet): then that's just manipulating (Y/N): you want me to be honest? (Garnet): Of course after all we're friends (Y/N): I'm conflicted about Betty (Garnet): and why's that? (Y/N): I find it insane that such a child could act like this (Garnet): you believe there is a reason why?

(Y/N): Of course there is a reason why, everyone acts someway because of something (Y/N): but then there's the other half of me that feels like its just how she is (Y/N): nothing more but a being of hate (Garnet): nobody is born of hate (Y/N): could have fooled me with the way she be acting she wanted to shatter Amethyst (Garnet): she what? (Y/N): Forget I said anything (Garnet): Y/N having this bottled up in you won't make you feel better.

(Y/N): I know I'll deal with it later (Garnet): would marinate your food on the day you plan on grilling or before so it soaks in the seasoning? (Y/N): Excuse me what? (Garnet): if you were planning on grilling would you marinate your food on the same day and then grill it or would you marinate it before and give it time for the food to absorb the seasoning (Y/N): well of course ohhh I see what your saying.

(Garnet): You sure are a numb-skull (Y/N): yeah your right... wait was that a pun? (Garnet): maybe, maybe not *Garnet shrugged as Y/N started laughing* (Y/N): man I feel a bit better now, I thought this feeling would linger over me and just bone me over (Y/N): but I guess I was wrong since you helped me.

(Garnet): I'm always willing to listen if there's any problems Y/N (Garnet): you help us a lot and watch over Steven, your a very important asset to the team (Y/N): so I'm a crystal gem? (Garnet): Yes but not exactly since your not a gem (Y/N): how dare you, your lucky that I'm a skeleton and I stay calm always (Garnet): and why's that? (Y/N): Cause nothing gets under my skin (Garnet): but you do-*Garnet stopped mid sentence and facepalmed and chuckled as Y/N had a smug face*.

(Y/N): Man I wonder what's gonna happen in the future (Garnet): I'm interested too (Y/N): hey Garnet I got a joke (Garnet): what is it? (Y/N): What do you call a Skeleton that was lonely? (Garnet): What do you call him? (Y/N): BONELY! *Y/N started rolling on the ground as Garnet slowly started laughing as Steven and the others walked in confused*.

(Frisk): What did we miss? (Pearl): No idea these two are hard to understand and predict what they're gonna do (Y/N): hey Pearl? (Pearl): Yes? (Garnet): Why didn't the skeleton laugh at the joke? (Pearl): Uhh cause he didn't understand the joke? (Garnet and Y/N): CAUSE HE DIDN'T HAVE A FUNNY BONE (Amethyst): I think he infected Garnet with the skeleton jokes (Steven): YEAH SKELETON JOKES.

(Frisk): WE LOVE CHILD LABOR (Amethyst): wait what?


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