The Skeleton and the Amethyst part 2

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We back here with another chapter of these two little short people


Cope Mald

Anyways lets get into the chapter 

(Y/N): Mhm man that sleep was hitting (Amethyst): it really was dude (Y/N): man how the heck did you get inside my house? *Y/N looked on the ground spotting Amethyst* (Amethyst): Don't worry bout that dude, I have my ways (Y/N): you broke my window didn't you (Amethyst): HOW DARE YOU ASSUME THAT (Amethyst): I broke the back door *she pointed towards the door that was tapped towards the doorframe badly as Y/N facepalmed*.

(Y/N): Anyways why are you even here? (Amethyst): Eh after the birthday incident, I wanted to ask do you know when Frisk's birthday is? (Y/N): Great question lets ask her *Y/N pulled out his phone calling Frisk who picked up* (Frisk): Moshi Moshi? (Y/N): Frisk when is your birthday? *Frisk paused for a second and looked at her phone* (Frisk): interestingly enough its today June 28.

(Y/N): Uh huh *there was a silence for awhile but then Y/N hung up* (Y/N): alright we got another birthday (Amethyst): huh? (Y/N): Its Frisk birthday today and we need to make her feel right at home considering this is her new home (Amethyst): well what's the plan bone man (Y/N): I like that it got a nice ring to it (Y/N): I need to make a nickname for you and I will.

(Y/N): Well first I need to get some ingredients for a butterscotch pie (Amethyst): Frisk likes that? (Y/N): Yep and unlike you she doesn't eat food that's been in her room for months (Amethyst): yeah I regret eating that (Amethyst): anyways what type of ingredients do we need? (Y/N): Most of them we can get from the store but I also wanna get her a few gifts.

(Amethyst): Aww look at you trying to be such a great... whatever you are to Frisk (Y/N): I see her as my little sister but also like a daughter (Amethyst): well you got time to think about it later *Amethyst got up stretching as Y/N grabbed his jacket* (Amethyst): wheres the blue bandanna? (Y/N): No idea but I'm sure it will appear again somehow *Y/N chuckled and walked out as Amethyst followed*.

(Amethyst): So what was that thing you did when we went to look for the heavenly beetle? (Y/N): Huh? (Amethyst): Don't play dumb the swap Y/N thing (Y/N): I have zero idea on what I did and I can't really explain it (Amethyst): so no way of maybe using it again? (Y/N): I haven't tried and don't plan on doing it, I wanna be lazy (Amethyst): I feel you on that.

*Y/N and Amethyst walked into the store and walked through the aisles grabbing stuff* (Amethyst): hey Y/N look *Y/N turned around seeing Amethyst point at Tem who was selling stuff* (Tem): GeT TeM fLaKeS (Y/N): surprised they let her even sell stuff in here (Amethyst): I find it kinda cute (Y/N): let me ask her about some gift ideas for Frisk *Y/N walked up towards Tem who's ears perked up in joy seeing him* (Tem): Y/N HOI (Y/N): hi Tem how we doing?

(Tem): GrEaT (Y/N): good to hear anyways do you have any gift ideas for Frisk? (Tem): iT FrIenD bIrThDaY? (Y/N): Yes it is her birthday and me and Amethyst are looking for gifts for her *Amethyst waved then went back to comparing two different boxes before tossing them both into the cart* (Tem): FrIeNd lOvE's PiCtUrEs (Y/N): like family pictures or what? (Tem): FaMilY pIctUre.

(Amethyst): Y/N dude they got free samples (Y/N): free samples mean one not all of them *Amethyst sighed and placed some of them back* (Y/N): anyways thanks Tem (Tem): WeLcOmE *Y/N walked away grabbing Amethyst who was trying to eat more samples* (Amethyst): so now that we have all of the stuff needed for a pie, what's the gifts we're going to get her? (Y/N): I mean we could take a picture with her.

The Adventures of Y/N and Steven universeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें