The Skeleton and the Amethyst part 1

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Not gonna lie I was questioning why I'd even give a choice of adding Garnet to the harem cause that shit wouldn't make sense, but me being me I was like nah lets see what the wheel gods got to say, so I spun a wheel and it landed on yes..

So expect Garnet soon prolly Ion know

Also might be short chapter or long Ion know


At the temple

(Steven): So Frisk where exactly are you from? (Frisk): I'm from a far far far far place from here Steven (Steven): that doesn't answer my question though *Amethyst walked out from her room and towards the fridge grabbing something to eat and devouring it as Steven and Frisk stared* (Amethyst): what's up guys? (Frisk): Did she just devour that in one bite?

(Steven): Amethyst does that, thing is she doesn't need to eat but likes to eat anyways (Amethyst): yeah its fun to eat (Frisk): wait gems don't have to eat? (Amethyst): Yep and not needing to sleep and more, being a gem is super cool *Pearl walked inside with Garnet as Y/N followed in and Amethyst ran towards him* (Amethyst): are you ready to head out? (Y/N): dang that was quick I just got here, but sure.

(Pearl): Where are you two going? (Amethyst): Y/N wanted to hang out so I said yeah (Garnet): you sure you can handle her? (Y/N): I'm sure I can I mean how bad can it be, Amethyst seems pretty tamed 

(Y/N): What do you mean by that? (Pearl): Amethyst can be quite the handful but I trust Y/N can watch over her (Amethyst): we're just going to hang out your making it seem like we're going out on an adventure across time (Frisk): (this is perfect ...

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(Y/N): What do you mean by that? (Pearl): Amethyst can be quite the handful but I trust Y/N can watch over her (Amethyst): we're just going to hang out your making it seem like we're going out on an adventure across time (Frisk): (this is perfect maybe I can help Y/N from the sidelines as he hangs out with Amethyst) (Steven): (THIS IS TOTALLY A DATE DUDE!) *Frisk had a glint in her eye as Steven smiled and they both nodded at each other*.

(Amethyst): Lets get going already dude (Y/N): alr-RIGHT *Amethyst quickly grabbed his hand and ran outside as Steven and Frisk ran towards the door* (Pearl): and where are you two going? (Steven): To talk to Connie (Frisk): yeah we made this group chat with us three, and Connie asked if we wanted to hang out (Pearl): so your not going to bother Y/N and Amethyst?

(Frisk): Scouts honor *Frisk held up her hand as Pearl looked at Garnet who shrugged* (Frisk): (little do they know I never earned any badges nor took any classes) (Pearl): well off you guys go then have fun with Connie *Frisk and Steven quickly ran out as they looked for Amethyst and Y/N and spotted them* (Frisk): come on Steven, text Connie to meet us outside the big donut.

Inside the big donut

(Y/N): So what do you wanna get? (Amethyst): I'm thinking sprinkles (Y/N): I personally feel like jelly filled donuts are kinda underrated (Sadie): I can agree with that Y/N (Lar's): Y/N when did you start talking to girls? (Y/N): we're just hanging out I asked her if she wanted to hang out and she said yeah *Lar's stared at Y/N with doubt then walked towards the back to do some work* (Sadie): actually now that I think about it I never got your name.

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