The Skeleton and the Garnet part 1

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You guys know the deal and I have thought about a way for this to work... kinda or y'all could give me some ideas but anyways lets get this party on the road shall we?

(Amethyst): Y/N when will the food be done? (Greg): Amethyst if there is one thing you should never do to someone grilling is (Greg and Y/N): never disrupt the grilling master *Greg and Y/N high five'd* (Frisk): lets see what you got Steven *Frisk extended her hand towards Steven who ran towards her raising his fist and tried hitting her only for her to block it and counter attack with a light slap* (Steven): ouch that hurt.. (Frisk): you asked me to help you improve on fighting (Steven): yeah but I didn't think it would include you slapping me.

(Y/N): Frisk no slapping if your gonna teach him how to fight at least start with dodging before counter attacking (Frisk): then you do it since your good at dodging *Y/N raised an eyebrow as Frisk shook her head* (Frisk): never mind *the warp pad inside the house activated as Y/N dusted his hands and walked inside the temple* (Y/N): you were out pretty late (Garnet): I was looking for those people we ran into in the gem temple.

(Y/N): They used the explosion as a cover to escape (Garnet): yeah I'm trying to peace together the clues and what they're plan could be (Y/N): woah woah I believe finding them quick would be smart but you should also take breaks *Garnet smiled and patted Y/N's head* (Garnet): thanks for worrying about me but I'm good (Y/N): oh no that wasn't a suggestion nor was it an idea or something for you to consider.

(Y/N): Hello everyone welcome to cooking with Y/N and Garnet 

*Garnet stood next to Y/N in a chef outfit as everyone sat in front of them* (Steven): So what are you guys doing to cook? (Y/N): today we will be making some jerk chicken and making a sandwich called the legendary hero (Amethyst): what is jerk ch...

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*Garnet stood next to Y/N in a chef outfit as everyone sat in front of them* (Steven): So what are you guys doing to cook? (Y/N): today we will be making some jerk chicken and making a sandwich called the legendary hero (Amethyst): what is jerk chicken? (Pearl): and why is a sandwich called the legendary hero (Y/N): well I have no idea why its called jerk chicken maybe due to the spices but its a very commonly eaten and known dish most Jamaican people eat and cook.

(Garnet): And I'm here to help cook? (Y/N): Yeah I've done something with Amethyst and Pearl already so your kinda next so we're gonna try cooking (Garnet): never done cooking but I'm down to try *Y/N smiled as he grabbed his seasoning and Garnet grabbed some chicken* (Y/N): I had already set the chicken to defrost so it should be good, now we need to marinate the chicken with the seasoning here.

(Greg): What's jerk seasoning? you told me to get this before (Y/N): that's the main seasoning in this dish *Y/N grabbed it from Greg and started seasoning the chicken as he slid the bowl towards Garnet* (Y/N): you gotta marinate it (Garnet): with my hands? (Y/N): Yep and that's why you have gloves *Garnet summoned her gauntlets as Y/N quickly stopped her and handed her some gloves* (Y/N): these gloves.

(Frisk): And how are you going to make the legendary hero (Y/N): first we need to make and cut the bread *Y/N looked at Garnet who held up her hand which had tons of seasoning on it* (Garnet): did I do it? (Y/N): yeah you did it good, made a mess but got the job done *Y/N chuckled as Garnet smiled as he pulled out some bread* (Y/N): we need to cut the bread into a sword shape can you do that for me Garnet?

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