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Tye and Asaatas wing of the house^^

Tye's POV


The same setup as our old spot just waaaaaaaay bigger. Right now me Dion and Bari was smoking and talking.

"How's things with you and Sani?" I ask Dion passing the blunt.

"Maaaan great. I didn't know having your mate was like this."

"Yeaaaaa. I think Whitney is Kay's mate." Bari spoke up sounding all hurt.

"Dammnnnn my bad ." I said patting his back. I patted his back.

"Look at it this way. We on a new place so the chances of finding your mate could be sooner than you think especially with this merge. More people are coming in today." Dion spoke passing the blunt to Bari. Reem came in finding a seat.

"My guys was gud?" Reem greets pulling out his own stash.

"Shiiit I'm cooling. Feeling good right now." Dion spoke. The door opened and Tamir, Tamirah, and Kayson walked in. We all greeted one another and the cypher really started. This was the first day of our lil vacation from our duties. My momma wanted us to enjoy Christmas like a normal 1000 plus family. Hence the sarcasm there.

"Since everyone is here I have an announcement." I spoke reaching into my pocket pulling out the Cartier box. "Tomorrow at our Christmas Eve Party I'm gonna ask Asaata to marry me." They all had shocked expressions. Dion was the first to break jumping up engulfing me in a hug.

"Damn son this is really happening." Dion spoke pulling back. Everyone ever dapped me up congratulating me. We all chilled for a second before Cassie walked in sitting on Tamirah slap while hold Tamirs hand. They lil poly shit was cute but I could never. Me and the moon goddess would have had to have a talk. But them being twins and sharing shit all their lives, I guess sharing some pussy was like anything else.

"Tye momma said go feed you mate. She hasn't left the bed all day." I looked down at my watch. It was only 11am. My momma can be dramatic.

"It's only 11 tho."

"You know how momma is." She responded.

"Did you-"

"Yea I checked on her, I left ladybug in there with her. You know big crazy about her TT." The whole room smiled cause that lil girl cuts everyone off for Asaata. I get up leaving out my man cave while they all continued the cyph. I went down to the kitchen seeing Gramma as cookie and em call her, cooking with my mom. They both turned to me with smiles handing me an already made tray of food. It was soup and something with ginger. Shit was strong as hell.

"Making sure she drinks all that tea." Gramma says and I nod thanking her going to leave out the kitchen.

"And son let me know if you smell something in there." I looked at her strange but nodded anyway walking over to our wing of the house. I opened the door first I was hit with the smell of cookies and cinnamon. Which was odd cause oddly bug smelled woodsy like her step fathers. Looking at bug I see she up while cookie was knocked out. Bug head rested on her tummy smiling, her little hands placed on cookies tummy as well. Something must have told her I was here cause she gasps and waved me over. I placed the tray on a nearby dresser walking over to our bed climbing in.

"What you doing bug."

"Here listen uncle." She sat up bossily pushing my head down. She let me lay there and listen but I didn't hear nothing.

"Bug what am I listening for?" She then whispered to cookies tummy and I heard a heart beat making me stand still. From my face bug must have knew o heard.

"SEE!!" She e claims excitedly. I could only nod feeling my eyes begin to tear. I'm gonna be a dad. Now it makes me want to marry her even more.

"I so happy. I gonna be the bestest sister."

"But that's-.." I just shut up. I'm not into ruining my babies dreams. I kissed cookies tummy sitting up softly rubbing her tummy. My touch make her stir in her sleep. Her eyes flutter open. She looks from me to bug.

"Hi babies." We both leaned in hugging her. Me basically hugging the both of them.

"Hi cookie. How you feeling?"

"A lil sick." And that makes me hop up grabbing the tea. Telling her to sit up and she does, I hand her the mug and she thanks me.

"Gramma said drink it all."

"It's nasty pa." She said making a face.

"I'm sorry but you gotta drink it." I said grabbing the tray that held the soup and toast. She thanked me and silently ate.

"Bug you hungry?" She nodded. I picked her up telling cookie I'll be back.

Asaatas POV

UGGGHHHH. I feel so damn sick. This yea helping tho. I ate and sat the tray on the nightstand going to the bathroom handling my hygiene. I swear I love this new spot. It's a big ass compound that stretched over 2000 acres we had so much here, and the land was beautiful. Once I was done I went into the room hearing a knock.

"Come in." Tee and Sani came in.

"Ain't somebody missing?" I asked

"Whitney with Kayson." Tee said. As they both sat on the bench in front of the bed.

"Oh ok. What's up?" I asked them.

"We bored and we ain't seen you all morning."

"Yea I wasn't feeling to good so me and bug napped for a while. I just actually got up not too long ago." I say sitting at my vanity turning to them with a yawn.

"Yea you smell different." Tee says making Sani look at me weird.

"What you mean?" Sani asked,

"Oh nothing bad. As wolves we has a strong sense of smell so we can smell what humans can't." Tee explains.

"Oh ok." Sani spoke.

"Speaking of smells guys I found my mate but he doesn't know." Tee spoke getting our attention.


"Jabari..." she spoke lowly. Making us gasp. Oh shit Tye gone spazz.

"Oh shit." Sani said taking the words out my mouth. Damn what a spot your best friend ex is your mate.

"So are you gonna tell him?" I asked

"I don't know cause of him and whit and let's not get on Tye."

"Don't worry about Tye I got that part. Just let me know and we could talk to him together but I think you and Bari should talk first." I assured her. I oiled my scalp looking at her through my vanity mirror.

"And don't worry about whit she will understand." Sani spoke bringing tee into a hug.

"Soooo ladies are we ready for the Christmas Eve party." I asked turning around after putting my braids in a top knot.

"Nope was gonna ask if y'all wanted to go to the mall?" Sani asked and me and tee agree to go. Whit was booed up so Sani texted the group chat saying we'd face time her when we get to the mall so she can be boo'd up and shop too. I mind linked Tye telling him I was going to the mall with the girls.  And we headed out.  Getting in the car I asked something I forgot to ask.

What do I smell like?"

Chocolate cookies and cinnamon. Momma smell changed when she got pregnant." Tee said making my world stop.

I might be pregnant. Help I am..........


Hey my sweets... that's it for this chapter. Will definitely be updating more after this. How y'all feeling this possible pregnancy??? Omg and Tye gone propose ... awwwwww I'm lowkey happy for them. Thank you for the support and love 🫶🏾.
See ya on the next page 😉
Until next time my sweets 💋🫶🏾🍫

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