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Asaata POV

Its been a crazy two weeks. Tye and I closer then ever. We both decided I should move in with him so all my clothes asks things of that nature are at his house, well our house. I'm still keeping my house and locked my room up, and TeeTee and Whitney helped me set the rooms up for Sani and Nia. I smile thinking about these past few weeks finishing up this cake for Cassie's daughter 2nd birthday. Tye some went all out and got a carnival for the baby birthday, like she only 2 but what ever, I find it cute. The party theme is lady bug cause that's what everyone calls her. She's a cute little thing, gives me baby fever. But I made a cup cake cake and individual ladybug cup cakes.

 But I made a cup cake cake and individual ladybug cup cakes

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Once I finish the last cup cake, I package them going getting my things, loading entering up in the car

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

Once I finish the last cup cake, I package them going getting my things, loading entering up in the car. I lock up the bakery, since it's closed today for ladybugs carnival. I hop in my car and start the car up pulling off from the bakery headed to my house.
My phone rings and I answer seeing it's Gramma.

         (Bold Saata italic Gramna Celest)

- Hello, Chile, where are you? We here.

- I'm on my way Gramma just finished up these cakes.

- alright I'll see ya soon.

- see ya gramma.

We hang up and Beyoncé XO plays, I sing along, weaving in and out of traffic driving to my house.

When I pull up to the house I see grammas black Honda CR-V. I park getting out walking up to the car.

"Hey family." I knock on the window with a smile making gramma open the door grabbing me into a hug.

"Oh my baby I missed you," She says as I hug her back kissing my cheek. The girls hop out the car grabbing their things. Gramma tells us she loves us and will see us when she gets back, pulling out, and leaving the home.

"Eeekkkk, bitch I'm happy as hell to see you." Sani said excitedly and we hug. I hug BIA when Sani and I separate, taking us in the house getting them settled in. I told them to get dressed in something different if they wanted to and they did.

The Wolf in My Backyard Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora