The Wolf Inside

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Last time....

Sabu what is wrong?"

While Sabu explained what happened momma t tells me when he's like that I should just touch him to calm him down, and as his mate anything I do involving skin to skin contact would take him off edge or feel less pain. I nod thanking her when the man whose name is Kato spoke.

"She is, she.. I.. I am.. she's my.. I ..I am her father." He finally gets out and all heads turned to him.


Tyes POV

To say I'm shocked was an understatement. Kato is my mates father?? But how and momma just said her mother is or was an Angel. What the fuck is going on. I look to my mate seeing her wearing the same confused expression.

"I guess I should explain, well at least my end of things." Kato says and we all look at him expectantly but in this moment his eyes stayed on Saata. He started with the ghost of a smile.

"Maybe about 25 years ago, I was a young alpha, I was on my way to visit Adam here, and I was walking in the city, looking for something to bring baby Tye, when I pasted a bakery, man did the smell make me salivate. But when I, walked in a got a strong scent of sugar cookies and honey, and before I could follow the scent the scent came to me, and there stood to most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life. She was what you kids say today as bad. Cerebus, my wolf was steady going crazy in my head wanting to claim his mate. I was stuck I never thought I'd find her beings that I had went so long into my adulthood without finding her. And she just kind of appeared. So we talked and and over time.. we grew close and I asked her to be my girlfriend, I know her being human, that's what she would have wanted. For months I went back and forth and it was a lot but she was my mate, eventually I got her to move out west, to our pack and she was accepted as Luna. She ended up getting pregnant and everything was going good. We pick out names and everything. She went into labor had Asaata and maybe three months later she just disappeared with my daughter. I was torn no only had I lost my mate after waiting for so long but also my 3 month old baby and heir. We looked everywhere for y'all and you were nowhere in sight. For years I was broken until the goddess granted me a second chance at love, and I have your younger brother, but the goddess never cut off the connect.. the bond we have pup, so with that being said Kayson could never be my alpha because it already belonged to my first heir. It's funny how the universe works because you are here and back in the flesh despite the years that was stolen away from me, you are home to take your rightful spot, and with a stronger mate by your side, this merger will be just what the goddess intended." He speaks going from sad to mad to seemingly happy.

"I have some questions for you but I'm sure you have some for me as well." Kato says with a smile.

I'm honestly tryna just process this it's a lot. Especially to find out I'm part wolf. Like all my loft I've been just normal." Asaata says leaning into me looking around the room. Kay just looks at her like he wants to say something but won't. The twins looked very... pleased. As well as their father. Now Kato says her mom was gonna while my mom says she was an Angel, but I'll save that for later. We gone deal with one being at a time.

How's you mom?" When he asked that she tensed up making my wrap my arms around her waist bringing her impossibly closer to me.

"I.. umm don't have a mother , well I don't know her, my Gramma raised me." She responds clearing her throat. My mom instantly walked over to us hugging Saata the best way she could with her belly in the way.

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