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Tyes house^^ (a better visual)

Asaata's POV




Oh that hoe from the mall. Ok and she has fucked my mate. Ugghh I'm sure just cause I'm a virgin doesn't mean he is but it doesn't stop the pain I felt in my heart during the ride. Right now I'm currently in the shower listening to Coco Jones, while I wash my body. Once I'm finished I throw on some leggings and a tshirt keeping my bonnet on. I walk downstairs finding the girls in the livingroom.

"Hey sis, you good?" Tee asks as I plop down on the couch.

"Yea I'm ok, not like I didn't already know." I say with a shrug.

"Yea but still I'm sorry I said something." Whitney said with an apologetic farce.

"You good girl. It is what it is." I say texting Sani back. They coming down here the week before the ball. I can't wait I miss my babies. Our older cousins left us some years ago for school and them dirty niggas never came back haha. They call gramma of course but that it. I'm pulled out my thoughts when the door bell rings. Before anyone decides to open it, it opens and in walks Dion, Jabari and some other boy. They closed the door behind them.

"Hey Luna," they all speak in unison. I say hello back and they went off to find Tye. Tee moves closer to me placing her head on my shoulder.

"What's up?" I ask her looking away from my phone at at her.

"Nothing just wanted to make sure you was REALLY ok." She says with a pout.

"Yes Tee I'm ok. I cannot be mad my mate didn't save himself for me. I know y'all are different then us humans. There is nothing I can do about it so I'll just go with the flow, as long as he's not still having sex with her I'm fine, I guess." I said with a small smile.

" I'm like you, I'm waiting for my mate." She says with a smile.

"I sure hope to find my mate, 18 with no mate when alpha kids find their mates at 16." She says out loud.

"Maybe your mate isn't in this pack, you never know you could just find your prince at the ball." I say and Whitney agrees.

"I thought I was never gonna find my mate but I did." Whitney says making me and Tee look at her.

"YOU FOUND YOUR MATE AND DIDNT Tell ME??!" Tee whisper yelled.

"I didn't want you to judge me." Whit said.

"Why I'm the hell would I judge you, I would have been happy for you hell I am happy for you." Tee said shaking her head laying it back down on my shoulder.

"Congrats whit, do we know him or her?" I ask really wanting to know.

"Hmm yea but that's all I'm saying." She says with a giggle. Before I could speak Tye came and told us dinner was ready. Well all got up to wash our hands going to the table in the dining room.

"Naw we can eat in the living room and watching something." Tye said when he seen us all going to the dinning room.

We all grabbed the plates she gave us going into the living room. Tye found his way to me sitting next to me on the love seat, while the others found places on the chaise, sofa and chairs. We decided to watch something funny, and we agreed on Due Date.
         (This movie will forever be funny)

"Tye this is really good." I say fücking this food up. He made pan fried steak with shrimp, fresh homemade garlic and butter mashed potatoes and California medley veggies. Everyone agreed with me while watching the movie.

The Wolf in My Backyard حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن