Chapter 123: Familiarity or Not II [A Devil's Stone Arc]

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As The Trio progressed through the roofs of buildings until reaching the end of the city, they jump off and run off eventually arriving at a warehouse out of the town that looked abanodned and all 3 of them enter inside.

They carefully navigate through the tight and small hall and are finally inside putting their bags to the side and Pink Devil sits on the chair at the table which was at the middle of the room with plans. Diara goes to the board and grabs a marker as she stands there to think again and the man gets to the ladder and climbs it up going to the second floor where the beds are.

Even though their mission by Maestro was clear, this place was prepared, not the comfiest, but not the worst they did stay in Japan for longer and the mission only started recently.

As the man jumped on his bed, he turned and pulled his phone out to check the news.


TBS News #1:

War Devil attack leaves the two psychic sisters in hospital for a week - "The attack in the area leaves the two Psychic sisters in great pain, but not in danger of dying and they will recover and after that will be send back to Bulgaria as part of the agreement of the Plovdiv HQ with the Tokyo HQ."

3 figures on the rooftops - "In additon, 3 other people were spotted by Fubuki and Elijah Kanomato (Eli only after he saw them heading out of the nearest market area) and news stay around to update."

TBS News #2:

Gun Devil attack predicted in New York in 2 weeks from Japansese researchers and US Miliary - "We predict an attack on New York's docks in 2 weeks time and we have alerted the New York HQ over those predictions nad the chances are 85.4% as of currently."

Despite our best efforts we can only delay their coming - "The Only way is to kill the devil, but we cannot kill em forever as they come back like the natural cycle of rebirth."

TBS News #3:

Controlled by outside forces - "The Russian and Chinese government suspect outside forces with some kind of goal to control the world indirectly using us all, is it true that these forces try to be assassins when their organisation is not doing much or whatever the two countries claim... More on the update eventually."


As the Man pulls his phone away, it is noticable detail on the case on the back, that the case is transparent and has a photo of a boy with the infamous Mina Anderson with an autograph signed as he smiles on it before putting his phone away.

As he gets up and looks down at the other two.

???: Hey, I think we've been spotted early today!

The Pink Devil and Diara look up.

Diara: What do you mean?!

???: Been reading the news, Elijah Kanomato has spotted us earlier and this could be an issue!

The man jumps and lands perfectly with his feet like he is a cat and then walks up to the table and takes a seat, Diara puts the marker on the small desk near the board and goes to the table taking her seat.

???: If my suspicions are correct, he would be here in a few minutes if not earlier.

Diara: Well, what would Maestro say?

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