Chapter 89: Queen under the Eclipse [Adumfor Arc II]

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Ultra was standing as he looked at Isabella and the mysterious woman.

UltraX: So, do I have options?

???: Of course, I mean you have the option to bow down to me and I will spare you as I take over this island and then the whole world or well the disgusting one, I would recommend you to choose the former though.

Ultra then looks around and then looks back at her.

UltraX: What's your name?

???: Diara, that is all you need to know. I'm the demon that conquered the Eclipse, but fallen down with her brother as we both got sealed away from each other. I changed my name overtime as I was sealed

Ultra sighs.

UltraX: Well with the nicest way possible I'm gonna say it, I choose death.

Diara was surprised, but then again she was not expecting a human to choose death.

Diara: Very well then, you're entertaining me already as a first sight.

Diara laughs.

Diara: Isabella, kill him. I may stay and watch for a bit.

Isabella looks at UltraX with a death stare as she prepares. Even though she is controlled right now, Ultra was the only one who was willing to take such risk... He did not know how powerful she really was or how good of a fighter she is.

Isabella pulls out a black sword and her form has changed quickly...

Ultra types something in his console.


\search_info weapon belonging to Isabella_Thorns

Console information loading...

Information loaded.

Sword name: Useless Lumber

Sword Information: A sword made of unknown material, it seems to be hiding powerful magical properties.

. . .

\search_info character_stats Isabella_Thorns

Console information loading...

Information loaded.

Name: Isabella Thorns

Information: The current queen of Adumfor, wife of Xiang Ye and a powerful person with great power level.

Magic: Evil

Magic information: Her most powerful magic is "darkness" based, her Demon Queen "aura" is black and called "evil" on a repeated basis, but she, personally is a good and kind woman who deserves the loyalty of her followers.

Power level: 10000 (Controlled & buffed by Diara)

Forms: Human-demon, Demon (default), True Demon Queen.


Ultra was surprsied, George Thorns had 10000 power level, so now his daughter...

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