Chapter 124: Chainsaw cutting through the Control [A Devil's Stone Arc]

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As Denji was at a local bar in Germany, Berlin...

He recalls his mission, to hunt and cut Makima piece by piece and eat her well as that was the original mission it failed, even if her contract is gone she vanished out of public eye.

Yet as he drinks some water, he takes a peak at the girl next to him, she had the same hair color as Makima, but he thought it was a coincidence at first...

Well the Woman moved a seat next to him and looked at him.

??? (Woman): Lonely aren't you?

Denji looks at her.

Denji: I suppose you can say that, what does a good looking woman like you do in such a place?

??? (Woman): Divorce, my husband was cheating on me with my toxic sister.

Denji: I see, by any chance have you seen a woman named Makima?

??? (Woman): The Control Devil?

Denji: Same one.

The woman sighs and pulls a paper giving it to Denji.

??? (Woman): Apparently she owns a company on that street, she sits in her office all day around this week, next week she has a trip to Japan to recruit a girl named Asa Mitaka for her army or try to recruit her.

Denji takes the paper and looks at the cordinates.

??? (Woman): Makima has made herself quite the home, but now she is easily on reach just like planned for the current mission.

Denji: Alright, thanks. By the way what about the Third Order's Sonic Wave manifestation user?

??? (Woman): She is dead, dead for good.

Denji: Okay.

Denji puts the paper away and finishes his drink and pays the tab and runs off out and runs towards the cordinates.

As he ran eventually he reached the building of the company suspected which later prooven fact is Makima's own Business Devil Hunter Office in Germany, the MAIN one. He enters inside the building and surprisingly it is empty and yet he knows that it should work today as he explores it he goes upstairs, coincidence or not it has the same layout as the one in Japan and once he arrives at the door which was the lead Devil Hunter of public safety he entered inside.

???: Oh my, I was not expecting visi-

As the woman turned around the light shined reflecting the room, It was Makima.

Denji: So it was true then, you are hiding in here Ms. Makima!

Makima: D-Damn it, the rats...

Denji: Guess Ultra did his part to bang you and send you away from Adumfor as planned, now listen it is over, hand yourself and you may end up in a better place then prison.

Makima: Like I'll surrender to you, Chainsaw man my one and only...

Makima stands up and Denji turning both his hands into chainsaws quickly runs at her, she flips the desk and kicks it, he cuts through it only to be hit by...

Makima: Bang~

Denji got hit by a bang, but he remained a bit unaffected as he finally got closer slashing at Makima with his chainsaw only for her to dodge and then he turns his left arm normal and quickly grabs her and throws her out of the window and then he jumps after her, she tries to gain control on the air, but she was already caught and slashed 3 times by a chainsaw turning his right arm normal he barrages her for 2 seconds as they fall into another building, she was free and kicked him in the face and then got up, he gets up and dodges a pen throw and he turns both his hands into chainsaw again attempting to hit her, but she continues dodging and even hits more bangs more powerful then before.

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