Chapter 40: Maria and Viki I

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This is a filler chapter about the two girls and the Vidin incident. It is an important one though.


Despite everything, Viki and Maria were only 11 years old and they were hanging out with Vlad and another boy in the classroom waiting for class to start with the rest of the students.

Maria: So we are all going to the hero school once we turn 15, right?

Viki: Of course, even Lubo and Vlad would end up there straight after we end this school.

Viki laughs.

Viki: But knowing Lubo, he will say "what a drag." even despite his family being a top hero family and all that and of course due to their incident with the power plant and a missing girl.

Lubo: Oh girl, you know me so well.

Maria: Of course, we all are best friends after all.

Maria and Viki smiled along with Vlad and Lubo.

Name: Luboslav

Age: 11

Information: Not much known about him besides that he has not told anyone else that he has no manifestation or so he thinks so.

Manifestation: None

They both continued their conversation.

Maria: So, Viki. Where will you go after you become a pro-hero?

Viki: I dunno, maybe Romania, Russia, Portugal or France... I mean it be nice to gain more experience after becoming a pro-hero.

Maria: Oh that sounds interesting, I might go around the world too for example maybe China, Japan, Brazil or India to gain such experience.

Vlad: Hm... If you guys are talking about experience around the world, I may rather stay here and learn from the Bulgarian heroes.

Lubo looked at him at the sametime as Maria looked at him.

Maria: Jeez, homeboy.

Lubo: Vlad have you thought this one through or?

Vlad: Yep.

Lubo: If you say so...

Lubo sighs.

Lubo: I may want to go to Greece, Egypt or Ukraine for such experience. To be blunt 2 out of these 3 nations are pretty underrated.

They all talked for the next couple minutes and after a while the speaker noise could be heard.

???: Ahem, students of this school.

The voice sounded familiar to Viki, but she couldn't guess who it was.

???: As of today your lives are getting to their very first step to become heroes and I wanna announce that it is all over for your dreams.

A laugh could be heard from the speaker.

???: Your teachers are either locked up or killed by me already and the heroes are too occupied with my little subjects so...

As the man said that, Lubo was whispering to Viki, Maria & Vlad about escaping with the entire class and of course it seems that the entire class was prepared to run.

???: Of course if you escape from the school, you will let your teachers die...

The man sounded a bit disappointed.

???: If you choose your own lives over others it will proof that you will do anything in your power only for yourselves and such so... Goodbye.

The speaker then fell off the wall and ticking noise started.

Speaker: 10 minutes left...

And of course everyone was panicking and going on their way, Viki and Maria went together seperating themselves from the others.

Viki and Maria instead of going outside as originally they planned, they went to search for the other teachers to rescue them. However, they only managed to find 2 teachers, Mrs. Abio and Mr. Fredrickson and got them to safety outside as time was running out.

Viki: Do you think Lubo has made it out?

Maria: He had to...

They both look around to see that Vladimir, Vladislav and a lot of kids with some teachers were saved, but where was Lubo?

Viki: Damn it, he is still inside?!

Maria: It seems so.

Viki: We must go back and fin-

As they were saying that, they saw multiple other teachers and the principal exiting, but no signs of their friend known as Lubo.

Viki: Maybe he is within the crow-

She was not let to finish her sentance again as the school building exploded and left both Maria and Viki terrified with the rest of the crowd...

End of Chapter

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