Chapter 41: Society V

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Willow, the mother of UltraX was sitting on the sofa and looking at the family photo and had a bunch of papers and some sort of clues on the table related to someone else. She then remembers what she said to herself when she saw the photo back at the last school year's end.

Flashback loads.

Willow then pulls out a picture, the picture was with Her, her husband, her son and... a Girl which face is compeltely black with a ? sign in the middle, as if she cannot remember that Girl... Then Willow looked up in the sky.

Willow: Whoever that girl is... She is important, but I cannot remember who she was or what my releationship with her was... If someone can solve this, it's me & my son alone.

Flashback ends.

Willow sat there thinking and wondering, even despite her son helping her she still couldn't remember who was that girl despite everything, she wondered as she looked over the files of another girl who matches that girl in the photo's age & height.

Willow: ... That is odd, same age & height... The girl looks like a 22 year old girl with the height being 6'2, this is actually odd. I might have to tell my son soon enough since her files match the files of that girl who went missing in the Vidin incident where Lubo died years ago.

Willow pulled her phone out and looked through her contacts finding her son.

Society has a lot of coincidences, but is this one of them...?

End of Chapter

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