||Chapter 19||

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You let out a sound of confusion as you opened up your device.



"What's wrong with you?" You asked the A.I., furrowing your eyebrows in concern.


J's unusual response made you grow even more concerned. What has gotten into him? Is it possible that he's having some kind of glitch?

"Okay, I get it." You nodded, quickly typing it down. "Just please stop. Are you malfunctioning, J?"

That's weird. He never has a malfunction or a glitch. You wanted to talk to J so you could tell him all of the things that had happened, him being an A.I. made it most unlikely for rumours to spread. You would've told Johdie or Lanz, but you knew you couldn't. You let out a sigh, exiting the app J was on. You then stood up, heading towards your trunk to retrieve something to change into before bed.

Just as you were, you heard a noise. The sound of something cutting through the air. It made you freeze and look around yet you saw nothing stand out in particular. 2 or 3 slashes were heard before you heard a loud boom. You let out a startled scream, jumping backwards from your previous location as a portal was made in front of you. it was in the shape of a 4-pointed star.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" You screamed, pointing your device in the direction of the portal opening in an alarm as a man came out of it. You stared at the masked man in shock.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU??" You screamed.

"You know me, (Name)." His deep voice echoed throughout the hallway. "And I know that you know me. So you must already know why I am here-"

You began to shoot laser blasts at the man which he dodged in reflex.

"I DON'T KNOW WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE SO TELL ME WHO YOU ARE IF YOU DON'T WANT YOUR HEAD GETTING BLOWN OFF!!" You screamed hysterically, still aiming at the man. To your surprise, he stopped and lifted his hands in a surrendering gesture.

"(Name), stop it! It's me!" 

The intruder pleaded, stepping forward. You paused and turned toward him.

"It's me," The man took off his mask and you breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh god." You muttered. You ran towards the intruder and embraced him tightly.

"Hey, Hey! You're fine." He reassured you, stroking your hair slowly. You buried your face into his chest, closing your eyes.

"I'm so relieved." You sobbed, your arms holding his torso tightly. "I thought I was gonna have to kill somebody."

"Oh stop being dramatic, (Name)." He chuckled before pulling away, you wiped your tears before punching his chest playfully.

"How come you didn't inform me that you were coming, Nolan?" You asked, crossing your arms. "I could've killed you!"

"I came here for a specific reason, (Name)." Nolan frowned, placing his hand on his waist.

You furrowed your eyebrows before asking, "And what is that?"

"You have to go home," Nolan answered in a matter-of-fact tone.

Your facial expression changed from one of amusement to one of disbelief. You looked up at him with a quizzical expression.

"Go home?" You scoffed. "is there a particular reason to why I should do that? 'Cause I don't think so."

Why in the world would Nolan, the cosmic Wayfinder, want you to go back to your wretched world or so-called home? It made you bitter. Your thoughts were cut off when you felt him grab your wrist, and his other hand that was holding his weapon sliced through the air and made the same portal he made just moments ago.

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