||Chapter 6||

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Fucking Asshole.

You swore mentally and gave Professor Snape a side-eye. You were stuck with the task. You sighed in frustration. You knew you were stuck between a rock and a hard place. You soon found yourself on your hands and knees, scrubbing the floor with all your might as you grumbled under your breath.

You had only been at Hogwarts for a couple weeks, but it felt like you were already starting to understand why Snape was so disliked. The man seemed to have no sympathy for anyone, and yet he still had the nerve to assign such difficult tasks. It was almost as if he expected something from you that you simply couldn't give.

What made it even worse was that you could feel he was watching your every move, constantly judging you and finding fault in the slightest thing. It made it difficult to focus on your task at hand, let alone attempt it with any degree of success.

"Scrub it clean. Don't be hasty." Professor Snape's voice rang from the shadows of the room. Giving out demands as if he was talking to a pet or a servant instead of a student.

You rolled your eyes at him before mumbling out a "yes, Professor.". It was hard not to feel some kind of anxiety in the presence of such a powerful figure. With that, you went back to scrubbing the floor until it was squeaky clean. You tried your best to remain focused and do as he asked, scrubbing vigorously at the floor with a brush before finally finishing up and stepping back.

Taking a deep breath you looked at him for approval. He looked up at you seconds later, a brow raised.


You nod. You watch as his eyes inspect your work, a solemn yet almost proud expression eventually settling over his face as he nodded and said, "Now go and arrange the ingredients on the shelves alphabetically."

Without a second glance at you, he looked back down and continued whatever he was doing. You furrowed your brows at him and a look of confusion crossed your face.

There's more?!

"Professor...what shelves?"

Professor Snape raised his hand along with his wand in his hand, with a flick of his wrist, a lock and the sound of the curtains being moved aside was present. He gestured at a shelf full of ingredients that had been hidden behind the curtain.

"These shelves. Arrage them in alphabetical order." he said in a stern voice.

You stared at the hidden compartment before sighing and made your way to the hidden compartment to the room and started to pick up one ingredient after another, placing them in order according to their name on the labels. Meanwhile, you let out small questions to the professor. It either gained you dry responses or just absolute silence accompanied by a glare from the said man. After about an hour and a half, the shelves were all in order, you stepped away from the shelf to take a good look at everything you had done.

"I love this. That looks better." You mumbled and stared at the neatly arranged materials and ingredients. You turned back to him with a small smile.

"Done. Can I..." You let out a yawn. "Go now?"

Professor Snape briefly looked up at you before looking at the clock on the wall. With a curt nod, he indicated you to leave the classroom.

"You may go." He said shortly. You nodded and hurried out of the room, grateful that your task was completed.

"And be back back tomorrow night. Same time."

"My...detention isn't finished?"

"Surely you did not think that you only gained yourself a day of detention? Miss (Last Name), you have detention for the rest of the month."

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