||Chapter 7||

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(A/N: I apologize in advance if there are errors in this chapter, I'm too lazy for Beta reading (。•́︿•̀。) }

THE MORNING SUN shines against your features. You blink awake and take a deep breath of the fresh morning air.

You get out of bed and take a few moments to stretch your limbs. You feel the stiffness in your muscles, a reminder of yesterday's detention with Professor Snape.

"Ouch..." You groan, twisting your torso until you hear soft cracks of your bones. "That's better...." You mutter, feeling a bit more limber and ready to face the day.

You quickly get dressed and head off to start the day, still a little resentful towards Snape for making you stay so late yesterday night. You decided to skip breakfast as you walked through the halls. Thank god it was Saturday. Otherwise, you would've been late for the morning classes. Not only that, your muscles are a bit stiff. You also felt a bit tired.

Maybe talking back to Professor Snape was a bad idea?You thought to yourself.

As you made your way down the coorridors, you heard a loud voice echo through the halls. You quickly recognised it as Professor Snape's voice and silently cursed yourself for speaking out of turn yesterday night.

He seemed particularly angry today and was shouting orders at some of the students who were probably unlucky enough to have met him in the hall.

You kept your head low and continued making your way down the corridor, praying that you wouldn't cross paths with Professor Snape. Unfortunately, it seemed like fate had other plans as he appeared directly in front of you.

He stared at you through his beady eyes for a few moments before finally speaking.

"Where do you think YOU are going?" He asked.

"It's the weekend, Professor." You replied quickly, "I'm just gonna explore."

Snape narrowed his eyes as he studied you. He seemed to be contemplating whether or not you were telling the truth and then finally straightened his back. "I hope you will not go around causing trouble, (Last Name)." He paused, leaning down close to your face, and you leaned back instinctively.

"I'll be watching." He said, dragging each syllable as his eyes widen in effect before turning and striding away down the corridor.

You let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding as Snape disappeared around the corner. You didn't understand why he seemed so suspicious, but it was clear that Snape would be keeping an eye on your activities while you were here.

With a shrug, you decided to walk in the direction where students gathered with their seniors, leading them to a special place. Hogsmeade. You've heard about it from gossip and whispers of other students. And now, you are officially being guided there.

With a 5 minute walk out of the castle, you find yourself in the open with the same year students. You could see the head of the houses present - although it seemed that only Professor McGonagall will guide the students.
You went to your line and waited patiently for her to start.


You turned your head to see Johdie approaching you with a huge smile on her face. You opened your mouth to greet her only for her to cut you off - grabbing your hands in her own as she pull you closer.

"You made it! I can't believe you're here! The day we go to Hogsmeade is finally here!" She exclaimed as she gave you a tight hug. You hugged her back, feeling a wave of relief wash over you that everything was going to be okay.

"Yeah." You said, a grin slowly spreading on your face.

Johdie stepped back and linked her arm with yours As she talked excitedly about all the places you were going to visit in Hogsmeade, you glanced around at the area which was also buzzing with noisy chatter and whispers of students to the approaching destination. As she kept going on and on about what her expectations were, you noticed Professor Snape on the end of the slytherin line. His arms were crossed and he was looking around at the students, a stiff expression on his face.

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