||Chapter 4||

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"Damn it." You stood in front of the door which led to the Potion's classroom. You stood outside as you clutched the book to your chest as it heaved up and down. You were late and you were aware of the consequences. You had to find a way in, and fast.

You glanced around for any sign of life, but the hallway seemed empty. Maybe staying up and conversating during midnight with J was a bad idea. And due to that, you missed breakfast and now you are here trying to catch up to your first class of the day. Potions.

Just go in.

You told yourself, taking a deep breath before pushing it open. You were immediately met with an intense glare when Professor Snape turned to your direction, his eyes burning with anger.

"Miss (Last Name). I was expecting you fifteen minutes ago. "

You felt a lump in your throat and all the courage you had mustered seemed to vanish right then. You could feel your face burning as everybody in the room stared at you. Even if there was a chance for an excuse, it seemed too late now.


"10 points from Hufflepuff." Professor Snape growled out through gritted teeth as you opened your mouth to explain yourself, but it seemed as though he already knew the answer himself. The professor pointed to a seat behind you and motioned for you to sit down.

As you settled into the seat, you could feel your heart beating faster as dread started to sink in. You felt like a fish out of water, completely exposed and without any clear way to get back on track. Your head was spinning as the professor continued his lecture with seemingly no concern for the disruption that had just occurred.

"Eyes open. Today you will be attempting to brew Wideye Potion. Wideye Potion has many practical uses, so long as you do not abuse it." Professor Snape's voice filled the room, a reminder that you were in for one long day of learning.

You settled into your chair, listening carefully as Snape began to lay out the ingredients. As he worked through the mundane details of potion-making, you found your mind wandering back to J. and the conversation you had shared.

"Take out your books and go to your stations." Professor Snape's voice broke through your thoughts. You blinked, realizing you had been lost in thought. You went and grabbed the book and opened it up.

Oh shit.

You groaned in irritation quietly. This wasn't your Potions book, it was Arithmancy. You had accidentally grabbed the wrong book on your way back from the dormitories. This meant you were going to be totally unprepared for the lesson.

With a deep breath, you quietly on your seat, debating whether to make your way towards Professor Snape's desk at the front of the class to ask for his help.

You quickly got up and looked at Johdie, catching her eye as you arrived. She gave you a small smile before resuming their focus on the task at hand - brewing Wideye Potion like Professor Snape instructed.

As Professor Snape supervised each station, he stopped next to yours. You nervously glanced up at him, expecting a scolding.

"Professor Snape ," you said in a timid voice. "I bought the wrong book with me."

You took a glance at his hardened expression, expecting him to snap at you.

"I believe that it isn't my concern. Is it, (Last Name)? " he said in a stern voice, eyebrows furrowing.

You shook your head, feeling uneasy and embarrassed under His gaze yet you did not say a word. was on your expression before you heard the professor sigh.

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