||Chapter 5||

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"Oh come on..." You sighed in frustration. "Why can't I access the website?"

With a couple more furious taps on the device, a page popped up.

"It looks like the website you're trying to access is currently down for maintenance," It said. "Don't worry, though - it should be back up soon."

"Oh come on...Why didn't I improve this when I could've back then..." You gritted your teeth in annoyance.

You decided to pull away from the device and take a break. You took off the device from your wrist and opened the window, smiling ever so slightly as the cold wind of the night hit you in the face.

The night sky was a beautiful display of twinkling stars, and the full moon shone brightly in a sea of darkness. You rested the device near the window for it to absorb the energy of the moonlight while you took a rest.

As you lay there, your mind began to wander. You thought about the device and why it was so important for you to get it up and running again. You knew that if it didn't work, you would be stuck in this place forever. Suddenly, something glinted on the horizon - a shooting star!

You sat up in a rush. You watched mesmerized as the star shot across the night sky, its tail leaving a streak of bright light in its wake. And that's when your eyes widened and an imaginary light bulb flickered on top of your head.



"And where have YOU been?" Your father snarled as he glared at you walking into the house.

You looked at your father tensely, unsure of what to say. "Nowhere Important." You said looking away as you took another step into the living room.

" 'Nowhere Important'?" He scoffed in disbelief, "What were you doing that it took you A MONTH and A HALF to go back?!" He shouted and you flinched at his sudden outburst. You took a deep breath and took a step back.

"That's none of your business!" You shouted fiercely.

Your father's eyes widened in surprise and he took a step back, as if he was expecting you to shrink away from his anger. He narrowed his gaze and stared at you for a long time before he spoke once again.

"Oh so you're talking back now huh?" He said in a low menacing voice. "What do you think you're doing? I asked you where you were for the past month and a half and I expect an answer!"

You felt your heart racing as he glared at you. "You never cared or asked where I was, why the sudden change of-"

"Enough!" He shouted. "Don't try to be clever with me. I want answers now! Where have you been?"

"I told you! It's nothing important!" You pleaded. "I just...I needed to get away for a while and clear my head. That's all!"

He glared at you for a few moments before he took a step towards you as you mirrored him the opposite. Though fear was pulsing through your veins, you refused to back down.

Taking a glance at the staircase, you counted before you ran down the hallway; up a few flights of stairs and into your room. You heard him following you, but he made no move to catch up.

You reached your bedroom door and slammed it shut as you scrambled to lock it. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you leaned against the door in an attempt to buy yourself more time. You couldn't help but wonder what would happen if he came after you? Would he try to hurt you again?


You heard his muffled screams from the other side of the door, and your fear doubled. He was pounding at it, shouting for you to come out. You knew if you opened it now he could easily overpower you again. You took a chair and shoved it underneath the door handle, hoping that it would buy you enough time to get the things you went back for and to get away.

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