||Chapter 8||

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You never told anyone about the picture - much less show it to anyone. Nevertheless, you were also quite surprised that Professor Snape let you off the hook that easily. He had a reputation for being very strict and unforgiving. You hid the photographs in one of your spare books, and you continued with your daily cycle.

You brought the camera everywhere you went - even during classes or the feast. Your professors didn't mind - which you were grateful for. It eventually turned into a hobby of yours. Whenever something interesting happened around Hogwarts, you tried to capture it with your camera.

At times, you noticed Professor Snape looking at you curiously. He would always catch your eye and give you a knowing look that immediately made you feel uncomfortable. You never knew what was going through his mind, but it did make you curious about him.

Anyway, moving on. Today, you are wandering around the corridors during your free time - camera in hand. You were looking for a good shot to capture and frame. You wandered around the more untouched part of the castle. You were in the dungeons and not many ventured this deep down.

You had an hour of free time, so why not do this? You decided to explore the ancient and disused corridors and chambers, hoping to find something interesting. A shiver ran down your spine as you walked down the corridor - it was dark and eerie - and also somewhat cold.

You passed by some Slytherin students on your way, yet the deeper you went - the fewer students you passed by - and it eventually was just you wandering down the dark hallways. You pressed on, uncertain of where you were going but curious enough to keep moving. Little did you know, you were heading towards a long-forgotten section of the castle few knew about.

"God damn it's cold here..." You shiver and clutch your cloak to your body. You saw a wooden door near the end of the hall as you kept walking. "Weird.."

The door looked completely restricted. It had chains and padlocks all around it. Not to mention it also had spiderwebs stuck on the door itself. You decided to take a closer look, and you noticed that there were scratches carved into the wood. Or were they symbols?

You try to decipher the mysterious symbols, but you couldn't make out what they meant. You shake your head in frustration and decide to take a step back. You took out your wand and pointed it at the locks.

"Alohomora." You said confidently. Your smile faltered when none of the locks moved or unlocked.

You tried again and again, but the locks remain stubbornly locked. What was so special about this room anyway? You tried to get your ear as close as you can near the door but you heard nothing from the other side.

"Hm..." You thought as your eyes drifted from the locks to the symbols on the door. You looked left and right for any incoming passengers yet you were completely alone. Perfect. You looked at your device to do something only for your eyes to glance at the time. You panicked. You were late for divinations.

You quickly bolted down the hallway and nearly tripped over yourself. You managed to grab onto the bannister at the steps just in time before you tumbled downhill. You yelped and screamed before you got a hold of yourself - mind racing to which direction will lead you to divinations.

Every student's head immediately snapped to you, flustered and panting out of breath.

"Ah! (Last Name)! Just in time." Professor Trelawney smiled at you with a gesture for you to continue back into the classroom. "You're just in time. Just as I predicted. Take your seat."

You quickly scrambled up the stairs, pushing your way through the seated students who looked at you in a mixture of weirdness and curiosity. You couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed.

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