episode 11: the collab

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This is completely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to true events are a pure coincidence. Also I am not a professional in writing these, i am just writing whatever info I have got from kdramas and other stuff. There might be some mistakes that i am not aware of that how a company actually runs because i have no real experience so please pardon me. Enjoy this fanfiction with a open mind and you are welcome for any criticism, just not hate.
Now let's enjoy episode 11!!


The next day I woke up, having the biggest smile on my face.

I had dreamt all night about taehyung. That accidental kiss has been running around my head the whole night. I felt a thousand butterflies as soon as I woke up

Is he thinking the same thing right now? Is he also feeling butterflies? Was the only thing i could think of

I quickly got up from my bed and did my morning routine and changed.

I wore a tight white blouse with a jet black pencil skirt, i loved how my curves appeared more curvy in this skirt. I didn't do much with my hair just a simple bun, i put on some makeup and some perfume and rushed out with my tablet.

I knocked on taehyung's room door, feeling a knot in my stomach, i felt nervous to face him.

After a few seconds, he opened the door, he was wearing a robe, his hair was wet and he was drying his hair with a towel, Oh what a magnificent sight!

"I think you have stared enough miss y/n", his voice brought me back to earth, he was smiling cheekily.

I quickly realised what I had done and my entire face got red, what the hell was I thinking??

"Um-um sir a-actually i came to wake you up", i said with my head down, not able to face him

"Oh I see", he said and chuckled "well I have woken up a while ago already as you can see" he said pointing to his robe and towel. I didn't say anything

He gave out a chuckle before telling me "Can you give me some time to change into my outfit or are you planning on staring me all day in this robe?", he said sarcastically, and i just ran as quickly as possible from there without saying a word.

This was too embarrassing!!

I was waiting for him at the entrance of the hotel when suddenly the manager came and stood beside me, I didn't notice him at first as I was too busy with planning today's schedule. I noticed him when he started speaking to me.

"Hello mam", he said with a gentle and polite tone, "how was your stay?", he asked "Hello, it was really nice" I replied as politely as possible, "Oh that's great, uhh do you mind if i-", he got cut off by someone's voice

"Miss Y/n i think we are getting late, theres no time for chatting", Taehyungs loud and cold voice, literally sent shivers down my spine

He came closer to us and looked at the manager, "S-sorry sir I-", "it's okay, we'll be leaving now", he said coldly and looked at me, i just put my head down

I called up his driver and within minutes he came and picked us up, we got inside and drove to the company building where a meeting was to be held.

Some other important people also joined us whom taehyung had called from his company, like his financial manager and marketing manager and some others.

This was a very important meeting, it was meeting a between Taehyungs company and another big company called "Tech Blaze", it was a company producing technical products just like taehyung's company, taehyung wanted to collab with this company to increase the sales as this company was popular worldwide and it would also help him earn alot of profit.

Upon reaching the company, the doors of the car were opened by the workers and we stepped outside, I was in awe when I saw the building, it was gigantic.

We got inside and i couldn't help telling taehyung about the building "Sir this building is so big" I whispered so that other employees couldn't hear us. "Bigger than my building?" He asked raising an eyebrow, "Oh um no absolutely not sir" I said taken aback, he just chuckled and we went ahead

We got into the elevator and went to the top floor where the meeting room was situated, I have heard alot about this company, it is managed by three friends Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook, there are all very young almost as the age of Taehyung but they manage their company really well. They had started this company together and have been running it successfully since then. They are famous for their trendy and innovative products and gadgets. Taehyung got this offer a while back, it took him a while to discuss this matter with the them and then he finally came to the conclusion of the collaboration.

We stepped inside the meeting room, everyone stood up to greet us, we greeted everyone, three men came near us, I knew who they were, it was them. God I had heard alot about them but they were more intimate and handsome than I thought. They reached out to shake hands and Taehyung gladly did so

"Hello it is so nice to get to meet you Mr Taehyung" Namjookn said, "the pleasure is all mine, I am glad to work with a company like yours" taehyung replied with the same pleasent expression.

Jeon Jungkook was the Chief Technology Officer, Min Yoongi was the Chief Financial Officer and Kim Namjoon was the CEO of this company, the three of them have worked their butt off to make this company where it is now, they are a inspiration for many young buisnessmen.

We sat ourselves in the room and the meeting began, we discussed about the type of products to be launched what features we can add, what type of interface we can make, financial matter were also discussed. Overall the meeting was a success and we successfully signed the collaboration with the "Tech Blaze".

After the meeting, we shook hands with everyone congratulating them, it was seriously a happy moment.

When we got out of the room, Jungkook suddenly asked taehyung, "we would like to discuss some other matters with you, would you like to have coffee with us while we discuss?" To which taehyung replied "yes sure i would love that, if you don't mind my secretary will also join" he looked at me raising his eyebrow, i didn't say anything and just smiled, "yes sure we would love that", Namjoon said with a smile, God his smile was so darn cute, he had the cutest dimples I have ever seen.

We went to their office and discussed some important internal matters, i just sat their and listened to their conversation and sometimes when I felt like i would give my opinion on something, taehyung seem really proud of me, even i was proud of myself.

Finally the discussion was over and we were getting out, when suddenly Jungkook called from behind "Miss Y/n, excuse me you left your bag inside" he came running and handed me the bag I thanked him and he smiled at me warmly, i don't know for what reason we looked at eachother for like 5 seconds before he smile at me and went away, he was really cute so i couldn't help myself from blushing

I came to my senses when I heard Taehyung cough, "mhm mhm miss y/n i think we should get going instead of standing here" i quickly apologized and went off with him.


Hey my lovely readers!! Thanks a ton for the immense support you guys gave me i didn't even imagine i would get so much of love and support it's actually so wonderful 🥺💜💜

I will try my best to update as frequently as possible, please understand I also have some academic stress going on so maybe I wont be too active but I will definitely try my bestest!

Once again thanks alot for reading my story, i appreciate it alottt!!! 💜💜💜

Bye bye

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