episode 10: Accidental kiss

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This is completely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to true events are a pure coincidence. Also I am not a professional in writing these, i am just writing whatever info I have got from kdramas and other stuff. There might be some mistakes that i am not aware of that how a company actually runs because i have no real experience so please pardon me. Enjoy this fanfiction with a open mind and you are welcome for any criticism, just not hate.
Now let's enjoy episode 9!!


So it's the evening right now. Today was extremely hectic. Taehyung had a lot of work today, and he had to do one after another, even now when we are in the car he's checking some files.

I am feeling kinda nervous sitting in the same car as he, i mean the distance between us is not that much. My heartbeat starts increasing from time to time and i just hate it

Anyways, i didnt know that being a secretary was so hard, I mean while I was in the office it all seemed pretty easy, but I guess everything seems easy until you get into depth of it.

Thats what happened today. While taehyung was going from one place to another, I had to run behind him like some puppy running behind its owner.

I was so damn tired on top of that I was wearing heels so my feet almost gave up at this point.

I felt really sleepy and was about to doze off when suddenly taehyung called me

"Y/n? Could you please tell me tomorrow's schedule?", he asked without moving his face from the files, i could feel the tiredness in his voice.

"Yes sir sure, sir tomorrow, you will have-" I got cut by him saying, "can you cancel everything please I think I am not well i don't feel too good so i probably won't be able to go anywhere" he said in a low and tired tone.

"Yes sir sure I can do that", I said assuring him. He didn't say anything.

I was now very much worried. Taehyung was sick? What happened to him? is he that much worned out?

"Sir give me those files you should take a rest now", i said as I snatched those files from him.

"No y/n these are very important files I need to check them right now I swear I am going to sleep after I check them", he said trying to take the files from me but I wasn't giving it to him

He should be resting now insead of checking some stupid files

He tried to get the files again but I put it behind my back and that's when he, in an attempt to get the files, got very very close to me

He was dangerously close.

I froze, his hand was behind me holding the file while he was staring at me as he had also realised what had just happened

Despite of knowing what I was doing I still kept on staring at him. It's like his eyes had some type of magic in them, it's like I was hypnotised and I couldn't look away

Suddenly i got back to my senses and tried to push him but suddenly the car hit a large bump and bam! The next thing i knew, his lips were on mine

His lips were so soft and it felt magical, it was like i was in a dream, i felt tingling sensations in my stomach

We didn't move an inch, it's like time froze. We were looking into each other's eyes. I wanted to dive into his blue ocean eyes, they were so beautiful.

We both were shocked but i couldnt move an inch it was like something was stopping me from moving

We stayed like that for a couple of seconds and then sudden realisation hit us

He quickly got away and cleared his throat and i moved further to the other side

I was still processing the whole situation

"WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED" i screamed inside my head

I was feeling a thousand butterflies in my stomach i couldn't believe what had just happened, my body was heating up and when I touched my cheeks they felt warm but then I froze

"Shit we just had an accidental kiss!! Is he angry or annoyed? Is he feeling the same feeling as me? OMG what am I gonna do what if he fires me?? I don't know anyone here where will I go? Is he uncomfortable?" I kept on thinking about all this when I realised I still have the file with me

"Ugh this damn file", I thought to myself

I was looking the other side, embarrassed to even face him

"Can you give me the file now?" His sudden voice startled me "y-yes sir" i bit my tongue

Why was I stuttering?

I gave him his files and the rest of the drive was very quiet nobody said anything I bet even the driver could feel the awkwardness

When we reached our hotel i got out and so did he, we quietly went inside without saying anything.

Our rooms were just opposite to eachother

When I was about to go inside, he suddenly held my wrist and made me face him

I looked at him shocked, what was he doing? Was he going to apologise for what had happened earlier if that's the case then I should be the one apologizing it was wrong for me to take his files without permission

We stared at eachother for a couple seconds before he spoke, "thank you for that, I'll have a peaceful sleep", he said as he winked at me and went inside his room

I was too stunned to do anything

What the hell was that? Did he just wink at me?? And what wa that earlier? He said he will have a goodnight sleep because of me?? What? Did he mean the kiss??

I was standing there dumbfounded when he suddenly, came out again

"Good night" he said and gave me a sweet smile, and closed the door

I literally melted at that time, but I was confused

What did he mean by that? Did he like the kiss? What does that mean? Wait, does he like me back?? That surely cannot be possible a laughed at my own thoughts.

How can a rich man like him fall for a middle class girl like me? but then what was that

I quickly brushed that thought. I was too tired so i went inside my room, took a warm bath and fell asleep.

There was a heck lot of work tomorrow


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