Oh no you can't eat

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I just suddenly got really nauseous.

I was eating and then got hit with nausea.

It's because I've been forgetting to take my pill in the mornings and because of the smoke in my house from the oven.

I really really hate being sick.

I'm so uncomfortable in my body, I'm so sad when I'm sick because all I've ever known to do was to call for my mom but now that I'm older I can't anymore and I have to be sad and in mild pain by myself.

I'm to old to rely on anyone but to young to not rely on anyone.

I was just trying to eat. I feel like this is just telling me I shouldn't.

I'm really tried and I really want to cry and I'm just so mad that I don't remember how I feel.

I hate who I am right now.

I hate it.

I hate not thinking about what I say, I hate that I want to hurt myself, I hate that I'm sick, I hate that I don't remember anything about myself to the point where I go threw a list of all the things Mia likes because I forget.

Mia likes to sing, to talk, to dance, to listen to music, hangout with Ray, walk, she really likes the water, she loves the beach, her favorite cat is Lucifer, she likes Mitski and Deftones, she likes pink lemonade, noodles that have cheese filling are her favorite food.
She really likes meaningful hugs, poetry, writing, she wants to be a children's book auther one day, she aspires to work in forensic science and enjoys analysis, she likes the number 27 and 3, she enjoys talking to nice strangers because she thinks it will make their day, she finds people respecting her emotions really important.
She prefers to bake over cooking, she enjoys maximalist rooms, she likes to lay in fields of grass in her head in hopes she will one day. She really likes to sit on the rocks by the river. She likes books with a good meaning. She likes the feeling of walking around a Barnes and noble, she really likes swimming (especially at night), she likes sunsets over sunrises, she doesn't like to be alone, she is a very messy person when she eats or paints, she is really selective about the people she talks to and likes to prioritize people.
She trys her best to be clear to the people she likes to help them understand why she acts the way she acts.

Wow, and people think I'm boring.

Someone needs to have that in there Mia spread sheet.

That's all the things I've noted about myself in hopes that maybe along the way I'll find who I am.

It was also homework from Ray.

Whats a hobby you have?

Walking and writing.

What's your favorite food?

Noodles with cheese filling.

What's your favorite drink?

Pink lemonade (strawberry lemonade)

And yeah that's me I guess, I could go on but I don't want to make you read all of that.

That is who you all like so much.

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