im supposed to cry

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I need to reach for someone right now but I really don't know what I'd say.

I feel like I would just make them sad and I don't want to do that.

I'm currently 11 minutes sober and don't understand why I'm not crying.

I don't understand why i don't feel bad for myself.

Or why I let myself slip.

I feel bad for even writing this.

I feel bad for Ray

For liyah

They've done so much for me and this is how they are rewarded.

Me going back to year old habits

I don't understand anything I'm doing anymore.

I don't understand why I need help why I continue to do what Im doing.

Why I'm listening to an up beat song.

I'm supposed to be sad

I'm supposed to be better


And I don't understand why I feel happy but not at the same time.

Why do I feel so fucking empty.

I'm sorry, really I am.

I don't want pityness really I just need to figure this out

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