the words i think about but never say

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"I love you" more meaningful when you say it in person.

When you're looking at them and that's all you can think about.

I touch people's faces to tell them I love them. I hold them, steal there noses, fix there hair. I do those.

I try to do acts of service to people who don't want physical touch. Like picking fuzz off of them, or hair, Moving things closer for them to reach, those things.

All the small things I do.

I really do care. I really do Love only 3 people genuinely (I think🔫) 

I don't think there is anything wrong with that. Nothing bad and nothing rushed.

I love Ray, lyiah and my mom most genuinely right now.

In that order. (Most to least)

You can only change your response to other peoples actions you can only change your response to other people's actions you can only change your response to other people's actions you can only change your response to other people's actions you can only change your response to other people's actions

I've said that so much these last two days

Be a little kinder to me today I had a very rough yesterday (I'll probably write about it)

Tread softer please I'm on thin ice and very stressed. I'm sorry if I am rude, I am trying my best. I will be better by next week when I'm not so busy.

Also stop saying that I hate you it genuinely is making me feel kinda bad.


Me and Your WordsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя