Theres a time and place for that

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Do you ever wonder what people think of you?

What I mean is, do you think people make labels and opinions about you just based on hearsay and looks?

I often act in ways that acknowledges the fact people may be looking at me.  This doesn't mean I think they are more so to remember to be prepared when someone does.

I look at people all the time, observing them, formulating my own opinions, which is why I expect they do too.

This is also why when a person I'm staring at looks at me I don't look away, I'm expecting them to look already.

I'm really tired but I don't want to wake up tomorrow.


The way people look as there sleeping is probably the creepiest ways I observe people but definitely one that makes them seem most vulnerable.

Their still and breathing at an uneven pace, their's eyes are closed and sometimes there lips part a bit.

I often wake up in the middle of the night and I'll turn around to hug my husband when he sleeps because its my natural response to protect him.

I also find it really hard to sleep next to people most of the time because I feel the need to protect them so I wake up constantly to make sure everythings ok.


This also means I'm really good at dreaming about people sleeping.

Mostly my husband but I've dreamt about my friends and brothers too.

One time I dreamt about me and Rae cuddling for the entire time I was asleep it was one of the longest dreams I've had.

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