Brazil - Favorites

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"You know I have a daughter in secondary school. She's looking at universities all over the world and it's terrifying," Fred said breaking the silence that had formed in the car.

"Anywhere," I asked joining the conversation. "How does that make you feel?"

Fred tisked for a moment. "I hope she takes the chance to go wherever her heart and head desires. Even if that's somewhere else in the world. I'll eventually be on the same continent as her at some point in the year."

I smiled at the comment. "She'll never be able to avoid you."

"Never," Fred grinned turning off the highway. "She reminds me a lot of you."


Fred laughed to himself. "Independent and strong. Motivated to pursue all of her own dreams."

I smiled at his comment. I wasn't sure if he was trying to comfort me on the way to the hospital but it was making me feel better. "Tell her to do it all," I smiled.

"I will. My daughter thinks she can sneak around and keep secrets from me too."

Fred made me chuckle quietly. "We sound a lot alike," I said leaving the talking up to him.

"My two favorites sneaking around like teenagers thinking they can keep the boss man from knowing. I know all Mia."

"You knew?" My curiosity got the best of me.

Fred cleared his throat. "Well no," he said making me laugh. "But I had my suspicions that you two got along too well after Texas."


"I only bring this up to help," Fred offered. "Two things."

"Bring them on," I said appreciating Fred as a boss and person.

"You don't have to go sneaking around Ferrari because you two are together. Just don't make it... weird or anything," he said finishing the first thought.

"I promise you it's not Ferrari that is making us private to the world. It's more the Pierre problem."

Fred grimaced to that comment. "Can't help you there. I've heard your brother can have some tantrums sometimes."

"Sounds like Pierre," I huffed.

"And don't worry about it getting out at Ferarri. Only the engineers, Carlos, and myself heard the private call. If this were to leak, I would have to overthrow our team. But that's not my second point. This is my second point. Charles and you are my favorites, but this is just for you. Don't be afraid to do it all."

I smiled at the comment and rested back into my seat staring straight ahead. We were heading to see Charles in the hospital but I felt like this was the best therapy session a person could ask for.

"Thank you Fred," I said taking the comment to heart. "That's a good lesson during a race weekend..."

I paused remembering that we were in the middle of a race when all of this came into play.

"Fred!" I said urgently. "You still have a race to finish."

"Nonsense. I would do this for my other favorites Carlos and Rebecca too. Don't tell them I said that though. If my team can't close out a race weekend, I shouldn't be leading them anyway," Fred replied turning into the hospital lot and parked. "Remember I will always want you working for Ferrari. Charles selfishly probably does too. Charles is Ferrari though, so don't ever lose yourself in his shadow here. I can support you doing it all not giving it all away. Otherwise how can I support my own adventurous daughter. Promesse?"

I smiled at Fred. "Promesse," I said back.

"Now let's go make sure your boyfriend is okay," Fred clapped immediately snapping him back into his goofy mode.


The afternoon into evening had been scattered for everyone but me, something I was not used to. Mia stayed with me at the hospital while I got CT scans to make sure there was nothing going on we couldn't see. The moment I was cleared with bruised ribs and whiplash it was a relief. The order of at least 5 days of rest would drive me insane. Having just a few hours of not going anywhere showed me how busy our lives really were in this environment. Andrea had picked up the second shift of watching me but already had to go run a quick errand.

Once Mia got back with me and made sure I was all settled in, she had to go to her family dinner after the race. Her parents were headed back to France tomorrow and her skipping to take care of me would have been a wild excuse for Pierre to hear. We would need to address that soon however it might look. If I was tired of sneaking around people and our relationship, I'm sure Mia was ready to burst.

At least the main people at Ferrari knew now. According to Mia, Fred handled the news great. It felt like she had more to say but I didn't have the energy to push further. If I was being honest, I had no idea I verbally asked for her in the car. After the crash and coming back to it, all I knew was that I wanted to see Mia.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing again. My mom was checking in for the second time today. I leaned forward in bed to grab it and winced from the pain in my ribs.

"Hello ma," I said resting back into the pillows of the bed. My other hand casually hit the mute button on the tv.

"I have plane tickets ready to go if you need me sweetheart. Just tell me the word and I'll click purchase."

I fought the eye roll even though my mom couldn't see me. It was a sweet gesture. "I promise I'm okay mom. That's very kind of you but we have a good team here. I'll get to see you for the final race."

I could hear my mom let out a shaky breath. "It was just so scary sweetie. Straight on. I couldn't watch."

"I know. It was scary for me too. The blessing is I'm fine. Even after getting the whole work up at the hospital."

"Well I'm happy to hear you understand that was scary too," my mom sent back. It was her point that she always assumed that I didn't think driving was dangerous. She didn't need to tell me. I knew that but couldn't live like that.

"I know," I simply replied letting her get that free shot.

"Is someone there to at least take care of you?"

Like it was perfect timing Mia's head poked through the bedroom door. She grinned at me while she tiptoed to the bed laying down next to me.

"The whole team. And in the company of the lovely Mia," I said giving the information up.

"Really?" My mom asked excitedly. It was like she forgot why she was calling.

Mia snuggled up into the pillow peering up to me. "She's been looking after me since before the accident, but especially now."

My mom tried to hide a laugh by coughing but I could tell she was excited. "Well that makes your mom feel so much better. Tell that wonderful Mia hello for me and be the sweetest to her."

This time I did roll my eyes. "I'm always sweet mom."

"Be extra sweet honey. And call me if you need anything. I'll be there in a flash."

"I will. Love you ma," I hummed back. I hung up and Mia gently nuzzled into my shoulder instead of my chest for tonight.

"Extra sweet," she whispered teasing me.

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