Hungary - Danger

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***warning- sexual harassment

There was a dangerous combination swirling inside of me. The effects of alcohol, anger transitioning to rage, and a feeling of being bold.

The nerve Jeremy had to grope my ass and risk it in front of all the drivers including my brother. To pin me into him. I couldn't decide between feeling disgusted or running through a wall with how angry I was, my heightened response blinding me of the emotion I should have been feeling. Fear.

I don't know what led me outside after my altercation with Jeremy, at the time I wanted fresh air. Now I realized my decision may have been rash. The alleyway opening to an empty backstreet with a patch of bushes and grass up against the road. The street lamp elongating my shadow and everything around me. My shadow showing the only movement on the street because I was alone.

An unfortunate sound joined the click my boots made against the ground. A loud clanging of the door coming through the alleyway and then echoing into the back street I was on. Then a distorted voice followed by what I least wanted to hear. My name.

The rhythm of my steps quickened as I evaluated the scene around me. A long row of buildings backed up into the empty street. I just needed to loop around one and get to back to a side or front door of the club. It would allow me to avoid any interaction at least on my own.

The building next to the club was attached, the back door revealed. I stepped towards it and under the archway pulling at the handle. It was locked.

"Shit," I whispered to myself tugging on it desperately. I risked raising my voice and pounding against the door. After multiple seconds with no response, I figured no one was coming.

"I hear you Mia, I just want to talk," I heard more clearly this time. The voice belonged to Jeremy, another moving shadow on the street.

I bit my tongue so I wouldn't spit something back. I turned on my heel and looked back down the road I had just come from. Jeremy illuminated and moving closer. My feet quickly activated and I continued my speedy walk trying to get around the building without showing panic or turning around.

There looked to be a skinny alleyway that I turned down only to be greeted by a tall fence. "What the fuck," I said loudly to myself and attempted to continue down the road. I finally felt a hand on my wrist.

"Get the fuck away," I practically yelled turning around to Jeremy. "Did you not get the message from my knee into your groin."

Jeremy pulled me close, I could smell the sweat and alcohol on him and now his breath was on me too. "Mia, I just want you. Quit trying to fight it."

He pulled me close again, this time far too tight for my legs to go anywhere. His breath now on the side of my face and ear. I felt his lips brush against my cheek near my ear.

"I'm gonna scream," I threatened and tried to squirm away from his mouth.

"That only make it more fun," he chuckled placing his lip along my jaw and his hand pulling at the back of my sweater until I heard a rip.

It took all my strength while I coiled up into myself then gave my best shove, a slight budge that created space. Jeremy's drunk body seemed to release me slightly. I gave one more push that made him step back and I took it as my chance to escape. This time breaking out into a run and setting my eyes to the corner of the final building on the empty street.

I didn't bother turning around, but I could hear Jeremy's stomps behind me getting louder. The corner of the building approaching while I prepared my pivot turning the corner wildly and slamming into something. Someone. I couldn't help it, my eyes closed shut while I felt arms try to surround me from the collision and I swung wildly.

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