Summer Break - End Game

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Fischer stared me down from across the room. I retreated to a seat trying to cool off. This was a fight we have never had before. Blood boiling, both of us explosive, not one person ready to retreat from the accusations.

It started by one simple comment when we got down to our room to change, and it built from there.

Mia, what the hell has been going on today?

What are you talking about?

Oh I don't know, that fact that you freaked out this morning after having a fucking sex dream about Charles.

Fischer that's ridiculous.

Well you wouldn't talk to me so I can only assume the worst when you wake up blushing then run off. Then you avoid me all day only to be all over him during the game.

We were playing paddle, it was only fun.

I don't know what the fuck that was Mia, but it definitely was a lot more than a game.

The conversation took off from there, me being defensive. Fischer throwing out accusations. The fight much more powerful than intended on my side because there was the touch of guilt I felt, but it's not like I've acted on anything.

Fischer glared at me from across the room. "How much time do you two spend together on these trips?"

I scoffed at the comment. "You're working yourself up for no reason. Work trips are work trips, nothing goes on," I said back trying to cool off. "We've never have issues with trust Fischer, where is this coming from."

"Watching," he virtually spat back.

"Well I don't know what to do if you don't trust me," I challenged back.

"Mia you should have seen yourself with Charles, you..." Fischer began but I cut him off. I wanted nothing to do with this conversation.

"I don't know what the fuck you're on about. There's nothing going on between Charles and I," I screamed at Fischer.

I bolted for the door, this was a pointless argument only leading us in circles. When I flew the door open, I practically trampled over the person trying to slip out of their room quietly.

Charles eyes went wide when I looked at him, a laugh escaping out of me. "Of course," I yelled taking off to the deck of the boat.

I stormed passed everyone in the living room who was silent, I could hear someone coming quickly behind me. I didn't care who it was, my feet led me to the top deck of the boat.

No one was behind by the time I plopped onto the seat, i buried my face in my hands and couldn't stop the tears.

Eventually I was interrupted though, steps coming up the stairs. When I peered through my hands I thankfully saw Pierre. Not Charles or Fischer thank god.

"Hey sis," Pierre offered out quietly. He sauntered up to me awkwardly before sitting across. "You okay?"

"Not really," I practically choked back.

Pierre nodded staring blankly ahead. I did my best to lean up and take my hands away from my face, but I just ended up slumped back into the seat. I couldn't decide which posture looked more defeated.

"Charles told me he heard yelling from your room?"

I scoffed at the comment. "Well he can mind his fucking business."

"We're on a boat Mia, don't blame him," Pierre responded.

A silent chuckle filled my lungs, and I shook my head. "Pierre I think Fischer and I need to go tonight."

Pierre pulled his eyebrows together. "Like get off the boat."

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I don't want to bring down the trip on the last night. It's not something we can really play off for a night?"

"What exactly happened?"

"I don't really know how to explain it yet," I sighed. It was a lie, but my brother didn't need to hear that my boyfriend didn't like the way I was acting around his best friend. That would just set Pierre into detective mode.

Pierre looked sad while he nodded his head. "Do you want me or Charles to drive you back? We can both drive, just say the word on who."

"You please," I said quietly.

"You sure, Charles is the better driver."

I huffed nodding my head and standing. The group didn't deserve the drama, Fischer and I clearly needed space to talk, and a moment away from Charles may bring me some clarity.

By the time I made it down passed the rest of the group and further to the room, Fischer seemed to be on the same page already packing his bag.

"I'm gonna go too," I offered out calmly. "Pierre will boat us back."

Fischer nodded but didn't respond, choosing silence. I choked back what I was going to say, and I grabbed my bag and began tossing clothes in.


Pierre sat behind the wheel of the boat, I sat in the seat next to it. Fischer chose to sit in the front, an uncomfortable silence consuming us. The noise of the boat couldn't even cover it as the lights of Monaco grew closer. The ride was almost as uncomfortable as we said goodbye to everyone. Simple hugs to the ladies, a see ya to Charles.

While we pulled up to the dock, Pierre finally initiated conversation. "Well I'll see you all tomorrow. Make yourself at home Fischer. You two just need a chat, I won't ask what's going on."

Fischer finally made a noise laughing, "just ask your best mate Charles."

My mouth fell open from the comment, the nerve Fischer had to share that. I bit my tongue but watched Pierre's reaction. His eyebrows pulled together for a moment, until he recomposed himself. I grabbed my bag throwing it up onto the dock myself and climbed out of the boat telling Pierre I'd see him tomorrow. Pierre didn't say anything, clearly busy in thought.

Fischer followed behind me not saying anything else.

I waved to Pierre while he pulled off, then turned to Fischer. "What the fuck? You're not going to say anything to me, then offer that up to my brother."

"He deserves to know," Fischer said smugly.

I scoffed at Fischer turning around. "Know what? Whatever, I'm sleeping in Pierre's room tonight," I said pissed off.

"Don't bother, I'm going to try and fly home tonight," Fischer said seriously causing me to twist on my heels to look back at him.

"You're serious?"

Fischer just nodded at me.

I took a step toward Fischer looking defeated. "Fischer please, that's ridiculous. Just come home tonight and we can talk tomorrow when we cool off."

Fischer shook his head, but his expression finally looked sad.

"So what does that mean," I asked. "What are you trying to say?"

"Nothing, I just need a few days. I'll see you in a few weeks though," Fischer said gathering his things and pulling out his phone. He walked passed me but kissed my cheek on the way.

"Okay," was all I could say back. We walked in silence off the dock, but he didn't continue on to the street. He peeled off and took a seat on the bench. I didn't bother saying anything and continued on in the direction of home.

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