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Thunder was rumbling in the distance, it wouldn't be Amsterdam without rain. The bed shifted beside me, Fischer sound asleep flipping over.

The last month had been a whirlwind. Season was in full swing, and I was exhausted from travel. Fortunately, I was able to work remote for the first American Grand Prix, watching the events from Miami on my comfortable couch. But I felt like I've been everywhere the last 30 days. Berlin as a personal trip, Bahrain, and now the Netherlands.

The last two days were enjoyable, I was able to skip quali and practice to explore with Fischer. Today was race day though, and I was expected to be there. Fischer was finally ready to see what formula 1 was all about as well, not able to hide his excitement the past few days. He was cute buying a Pierre Gasly shirt at a stand in Amsterdam Friday. I could see it spread over the couch with his other clothes for the day.

Fischer was different from me, a welcome balance to the chaos I could often create. He was organized and always made sure he was prepared for the coming day. My exploded travel bag in the corner told a far different story.

In our masters program, he was at the top of our class it seemed like. Never stressed, turning in assignments in early, and getting involved in whatever he could. When we first met at a seminar writing session, he appreciated having another foreign student in the program. He sat beside me talking my ear off trying to find out every detail of my last 4 years in the states.

When he found out I played soccer, he was the one who convinced me to start a team with him. Even though I was the soccer bum, he became our fearless captain coordinating our games and after match events. It was easy to fall for him, he was different from any other man in my life so far.

Then when we both decided to move back to Europe and had to share that information, it seemed like fate. I was so nervous to tell him moving back to Europe, but he told me about Germany a few days before I signed my contract so I spilled detail.

I glanced over my shoulder to the nightstand seeing the time, I figured there was a better way of waking up Fischer than an alarm.


I fell next to Fischer on the bed, both of us covered in a light sweat and breathing hard.

"Guten Morgen too you too," he smiled next to me placing his lips on my forehead. "I think I like the Dutch lifestyle."

"Ah now you like the lifestyle too. I'll be sure to add that to their engineering, bike paths, and dams," I replied.

"How can you blame me," he said back. "Maybe I even like their driver," he said raising his eyebrows at me.

"Take it back," I scoffed. "You have to be loyal to Pierre and Ferrari, it's in my contract. Max has enough fans anyway."

"Okay okay, I can't wait to get there. Care to join me for a shower?"

I nodded my head while we finally got out of bed, the thunder rumbling from outside our rental.


I was talking with Pierre, George, and Carlos before the race tucked up under Alpine's garage. We were a few minutes away from the drivers' parade beginning. The rain was still coming down, but much lighter than when I first arrived.

From a distance we could see Mia approaching, another person beside her, both of them had the hoods of their jackets pulled up. For the last month I have only seen Mia a few times, but every interaction was very professional like the first time we saw each other in Australia. We had the few pleasant interactions back in Monaco, but ever since the plane ride she had treated me exactly like any coworker. I was not offended by it, but we had known each other our entire lives. I figured we would have a little more friendliness like before.

My eyes narrowed to focus on them, Pierre letting out a shout and wave which got their attention. The man, who I figured was Fischer, pulled their hood down and smiled in our direction. He was tall, I could see his almost brown hair and beard, then the frame of his black glasses.

"When did Mia start going for nerds," George asked stealing the words from my mouth. George had known Mia a few years before she left for college, so he seemed surprised by the man approaching us as well.

Pierre smiled but hushed us, his eyes quickly landing on me. "You are not allowed to say anything," Pierre said pointing his finger at me.

I held up my hands in innocence. "Don't look at me. I didn't say anything, George said if for me," my response sly.

"You all will like him, he's very nice," Pierre said as they got closer. "Even if he is a little nerdy."

"Halo," Fischer said greeting us. They had walked up and joined our circle. Fischer gave Pierre a hug and stood next to him, Mia stood next to me but didn't look my direction.

Pierre eyed Fischer's shirt which was poking out of his jacket, Pierre's car and number partially showing. "Love the shirt mate, you look ready."

"So ready. I know a bit about racing, but this is wild. None of my friends are going to believe I get to meet you all," he said with a friendly tone.

Mia shifted beside me and spoke up, using her hands to point out each of us. "Guys this is Fischer. Fischer this is George, Carlos, and Charles." Fischer's eyes followed to each person, the smile staying on his face.

"Ah Charles, I've heard a lot about you. Happy to put a face to the name," Fischer said focusing in on me.

"Nice to meet you mate, it's not uncommon that Pierre shares about me."

"Oh, Pierre and Mia have shared tons, I've heard lots of stories about you all growing up when their whole family is together." Fischer shared out. "I didn't really know until I met the family, Mia kept her racing life pretty private back in the day."

Mia finally looked up to me, offering a smile which I happily returned. I feel like it was the first time she acknowledged me in a month. "Nah, we just bullied her into making dumb decisions, not much to share," I said.

I tore my eyes from Mia's and looked over to Fischer. His body language continued to be welcoming, and he genuinely looked so excited to be on the paddock. "I know you get the inside deal with the Gasly siblings, but if you want to see anything with Ferrari let me know."

" Damn that's quite the offer. Danke," his smile growing.

Our conversation was quickly interrupted with a yell from Lando across the pit lane. Oi, the parade is starting. All of our focus shifted, and the other drivers were headed to a truck.

"We will catch you all later," Pierre said turning on his heel. With a flurry of goodbyes and nice to meet yous, we were walking off. Pierre throwing his arm around my shoulder as we made it to the car.

"Good luck y'all," Mia yelled after us, her American word making me chuckle. I sent a wave behind me, not sure if I was the only one to acknowledge her.

"I told you he is beyond nice, our little Mia did good," Pierre said into my ear.

"Yeah yeah, he did seem very happy to be here," I replied stepping onto the truck. "Very polite and kind from the first meeting at least," I offered. My other leg swung up over the side of the truck, and I took my place in the back leaning against the railing. I looked back over to the garages where Mia and Fischer were. Mia had just let out a laugh turning to walk in the other direction with him, their hands intertwining naturally.

It was a short interaction with the couple but pleasant, and I was eager to see what the rest of the day held if I got to see them together again.

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