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All it took was a blink and Charles was back in time. He was ducked behind a bush at Pierre's house trying not to be found. It had rained that morning, so besides one small area where you could tiptoe through some slosh, Charles was convinced Pierre would never find him. Pierre didn't like to get dirty when they played outside, and Charles used it to his advantage.

Pierre's brother Robert, who was a year older, was no where in sight. Charles was convinced he would have climbed a tree so high he would never be found. His two other older siblings were too interested in the video games inside. That left Mia Gasly, the youngest family member. While only two years apart from Pierre and Charles, she always took a little more heat being the only girl in the family. So, she adapted to her brothers the best she could.

Mia was the ultimate Tom-boy and always in her brothers old clothes. The lanky 8 year old was constantly around in her baggy T-shirts and pants trying to get into mischief. While Charles and Pierre would always groan when she wanted to play, they secretly loved their little shadow. They could get Mia to do anything and were constantly getting her into trouble.

It could be making a base so Mia could stand on their back and reach the Oreos on the top shelf. A few weeks ago Pierre and Charles got her stuck in the vent trying to play spies. Their most recent and horrible offense, according to Pierre's mom, was using Mia as their test dummy for their new rope swing. Even though her arms were covered in cuts and she ended up soaked in the creek, she couldn't stop talking about how awesome the swing was before it broke. Her parents always found it hard to get on to their animated daughter, so they would tell Charles and Pierre to be smarter because Mia would do whatever she could to keep up.

Knowing that, Charles wasn't surprised when he looked over and saw Mia sloshing through the puddle to get to his hiding place. "Spots taken," Charles whispered trying not to be too loud.

"Not when it's my yard Charlie," Mia spat out realizing Charles was under the bush. "You know Pierre will never touch the mud, I'm staying."

She made her way next to Charles, trying to make sure she was hidden by the branches as well.

"Will you move over a little," Mia asked pushing on his shoulder.

"Be quiet, you're gonna get us caught," Charles said through his teeth trying to shimmy away. His head was on a swivel trying to find out if Pierre was approaching.

He felt the push against his shoulder and shifted over, Mia falling into the dirty ground.

"Oops," Charles chuckled.

"You did that on purpose," Mia yelled out. Charles gasped at the loud sound, covering his hand over Mia's mouth letting his competitive side take over. He was not going to lose at hide and seek. Charles could hear Pierre's yelling getting closer when he felt Mia lick his hand.

An ewwww poured out of Charles as he pulled his hand away, Mia giving him a playful push that left them both in the mud next to the bushes.

"You're so gross," Charles yelled out shoving her further into the mud.

"That's what you get messing with me," Mia said wrestling him back.

Pierre had come on to the scene watching his best friend and little sister shove each other in mud, the view was quite amusing. He didn't even have to try to find them, the two giving themselves away was no fault but their own. "You two are helpless," the laugh escaping Pierre. Charles and Mia both yelled pointing at each other that it was their fault, then the game was over.

As usual, the Gasly parents were amused watching their 8 year old daughter come onto the porch in their baggy clothes covered in mud. The lecture going to Charles and Pierre because they had to have someone to blame.

And that's how it was. Mia tagged along for years when the boys carted. Unfortunately, the time they tried to disguise Mia as a driver didn't work as her parents pulled her from a go cart before the race started.

Then life got more busy for everyone. Mia discovered her love for sports, especially soccer. Charles and Pierre were chasing the dream of driving cars and traveling all over Europe. Mia Gasly would see Charles occasionally, but only on Holidays or milestone events.

Once Charles got into Formula 2 then Formula 1, Mia had become a stranger with the exception of the stories he would hear Pierre share about his sister. As far as Charles understood, she went to University in the US, somewhere in New York City. According to Pierre, Mia had brought two losers home over the last handful of years, but she usually broke their hearts at some point claiming they didn't understand the French. It was unsettling hearing stories about Mia breaking hearts, Charles imagined a young woman running around in 90s style jeans, an oversized T-shirt, and a backward hat on. Other than that, Mia had become a mystery to Charles.

That's why Charles Leclerc was at a loss for words in Australia, the first practice of the season. The woman walking up to him was unfamiliar and cunning. This was someone who carried themselves with a high level of respect just by their posture. Their brown hair styled neatly and slicked back. The facial features were stunning and unique without much effort. The eyes behind the glasses were observant and clear taking in everything as she approached the driver.

Charles was convinced the person now in front of him was not Pierre's sister, the scraped up kid that was always two steps behind him. Charles knew she would be working at Ferrari starting today, Pierre even told him to look out for his sister. He just hadn't seen her in-person for years. The Ferrari pass around her neck proved otherwise. The name on the tag was printed boldly, Mia Gasly.

Then her voice came, quickly taking Charles back years. "Charlie Leclerc," Mia's voice rang playful.

"Mi Gassy," Charles said back with a grin.


Mia was the new head journalist writer for Ferrari. While she was an insider to Formula 1, she was well suited for the position and the team in red had the opening this year. It was a long shot when she applied, but her sample writing and experience landed her the job, the Scudaria  banking that her younger take would excite their fan base.

Mia's last 6 years were spent in the United States. Adventurous as always, she moved there to play soccer for NYU. It was there she fell in love with writing and majored in Journalism. Since graduating, she wrote for NASCAR the last two years while getting a masters degree. She was qualified for her new job at Ferrari and was excited to return to her roots and home. During her time in the states, she had fallen for a German writer, Fischer, who had just moved back to his home country as well.

Pierre made the move to Monaco a year ago, and Mia just moved in with him for the time being. She hoped to find her own place soon, but she needed to get her feet under her first with a new job and home.

She was excited for the next chapter, and Mia also found herself amused to now be working alongside her brother's best friend. Italy and Monaco's heartthrob, Charles Leclerc.

Now there she was in Australia, standing in front of Charles. He had aged since their last meeting, at his father's funeral, however he still looked like same boy she spent her childhood with. Hearing Mi Gassy made her giggle. Charles was the same but different, but so was she.

"Welcome to Ferarri," Charles said shaking Mia's hand. It was far more professional than shoving each other in a muddy puddle.

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