Monaco - Morning Pains

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"Someone turn that alarm off," I groaned. The ringing only growing as I shifted.

There was moaning sound coming from across the room. "That's you asshole, turn it off.

My eyes pealed open and I was on one of Pierre's couches in the living room. The vibrating sound coming down from the floor. I blindly reached down for it feeling around.

"Holy hell shut it off," I heard someone grumble out again. A pillow flying my way and hitting me in the stomach. My hand finally found the phone and I squinted into the screen looking for the snooze. My phone showed a call from Alex. I slid the call open, my hungover mind not realizing any noise was lethal.

"You're alive," Alex's voice came in with a cheeky manner.

I groaned rolling over and nestled into the back of the couch. "I think I'm alive."

Alex chuckled into the phone. "Well you better be. I'm finishing up in Florence this morning then picking my dad up from the airport. You gonna be okay to have dinner with my dad tonight when we get to Monaco."

"Oh yeah that's today," I said sitting up far too quickly. My head rushing only for me to lean back into the couch.

"Are you going to be revived by then?"

A let out a heavy breath. "Of course baby, I'll put it together."

"Good," Alex said sounding far less hesitant. "Go pick up a good lunch, nap, and you'll be ready."


"You have fun last night?"

"Oh yeah, probably too much," I said rolling over so I could take in the room. All looked calm enough besides the beers littering the surfaces. Another body face down in the couch across the room. A fury of blonde hair sticking out from the blob under the blanket.

"The pictures looked like it," Alex said laughing.

"What pictures?"

"You were very friendly with the paparazzi by the end of the night."

I moaned just thinking about it. "Oh god, tell me it's not bad."

"No, but I'll send them to you. I gotta finish this tour of the museum though. I'll see you tonight. Hydrate and I love you," Alex said far too kindly for my hungover conversation skills.

"Love you." I tried to perk up my comment but my voice just grumbled. As soon as I hung up, I closed my eyes groaning. The weight of my body and churn of my stomach was killing me. The ding on my phone pulling me back while I looked at the texts Alex just sent me.

"Fuck," was all I could say looking at the picture.

A sound came from the other side of the room, a moan joining it. "Will you shut it, you're making my head pound more."

Mia finally appeared from under the blanket. Her hair a mess and makeup smudged all around her face, especially her eyes.

"What are you even doing down here? You have a room don't you?"

"I'm being a good friend," Mia groaned. "Remind me to light my sheets on fire later."

I thought for a moment then gasped. "No. We did not let the guy come back with us did we?"

"We didn't, Annie did," Mia said slowly sitting up.

"I'll help you burn the sheets," I chuckled remembering the guy Annie had wrapped around her finger last night. Some douchebag from London working in finance here.

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