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I sat in the back of the press conference at the table. Max, Pierre, Lando, Carlos, Sergio, Lewis, Charles, and Alonso were participating for media day for Monza. While there wasn't much content for my story this week, it was honestly the only break from the craziness so far. Their banter keeping them all from going crazy due to the pointless questions being asked. To me, the distraction from the craziness outside.

It was the perfect time for drafting as I clicked on my computer. I was honestly shocked when someone sat down next to me, and I was even more surprised when it ended being a woman that looked close to my age.

Over my shoulder I could see she only came with a notebook and pen, and I had never seen her before. She then caught me peering over my shoulder and turned her attention to me. A nicely manicured hand now over my computer.

"Isabella from Chi, nice to meet you," she smiled keeping her hand where it was. To hear Chi was kinda shocking, it was an Italian magazine which focused on inside stories of celebrities.

I smiled politely reaching my hand out to shake hers.

"Mia with Ferrari. Nice to meet you," I whispered back.

"Oh good, I've never been to one of these before. I need an inside source to how these work."

"Of course," I offered back. My curiosity got the best of me.

Isabella gave me a big smile leaning close to help with her voice carrying, her whisper wasn't quite soft. "Are we allowed to ask questions here?"

I smiled at her question. "We have to get clearance before asking questions at a press conference like this one. If you can find someone around the paddock, you can definitely ask them out there."

"Shoot that's going to be close to impossible." Isabella said pulling her eyebrows together and looking down. Her eyes returned to me quickly. "You said you're with Ferrari right?"

I nodded my head.

"Could I ask you the question," she asked eagerly.

"I mean sure. If I'm on record then it depends what it is."

Isabella giggled to herself. "We don't need to worry about who said it."

The comment made me smile and shake my head. Magazines had their own special way of working angles. "Shoot away," I said amused.

Isabella gave me her full attention, sitting straighter and pointing her body towards me. It was like I was the one being interviewed over the drivers on display in the front.

"I'm on the hunt for some news about Charles Leclerc. Rumor has it him and his girlfriend Alex split and we are trying to be first on the story," she said seriously.

My smile fell from her sentence, my eyes going to my computer screen instead.

"Well," she asked eagerly.

I looked back up at her, she was focused on me. "Sorry, I would have no clue on that."

"You sure. Are you close with him at Ferrari," she said slightly disappointed.

"Nope, we don't really interact with the drivers." The lie coming out easily.

I lied for multiple reasons. The first being the immediate turn off I had to this magazines interest in making other peoples business public. The second being that entertainment magazines didn't act with at least some sort of trail. There could be truth in her comment that Alex and Charles broke up and I could have been a part of the reason.

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