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"Do you mind," Mia smiled getting ready to push me out of the way.

I made myself bigger in the door frame. "I do."

"He's my brother and I need to go hiking," she said pushing her arms into my chest.

I laughed at the effort. "Well it's my best friend and he just happened to invite you to join our hike."

Mia stomped her foot. "That makes it sound like old times."

"Well secretly I'm very excited you're joining us," I smiled leaning down and kissing her cheek. 

Mia grinned at me. "Go before you make him suspicious for being late. I'm two minutes behind you."

I held my hands up innocently. "Okay okay I'll go," I said turning slowly. "Just remember no touching."

I heard Mia scoff while I stepped out in the hallway. "That's going to be a you problem," she replied stepping up and running her hand slowly down my chest and stopped it at the start of my shorts. She winked before stepping back the door clicked shut.

I took a deep breath before making my way out of the hotel. My sweatshirt required straightening up on the elevator.

Pierre's my best mate and Mia and I both agreed our current status was new so we were unsure about what to share with Pierre. We weren't sure about sharing in general or if there would even be an opportunity where it would be a good idea until last night.

Pierre and I needed to catch up regardless so I texted him to go hiking while Mia and I were watching a movie in bed. As soon as he confirmed I told Mia about my plans with her brother. While she was saying that was nice that I'd get some time with Pierre, her phone dinged next to her bed and she grabbed her cell reading a text grumbling a word out in French. When I asked her what it was she showed me the text.

You're joining for a hike tomorrow. Need some sister time. Charles will join too if that's okay. It was his idea.

Mia and I both gave each other a worried look last night but figured we could feel it out for the day.

I exited the elevator and made it through the lobby before I saw Pierre and surprisingly Carlos.

"Carlos mate," I said greeting him.

"Hope you don't mind that I'm crashing the hike."

"The more the better," I smiled as we all stood.

Pierre impatiently looked at his watch. "Now just waiting for Mia. Late as always."

Carlos looked confused as he opened his mouth. "Why isn't she with you..."

"Something to learn is Mia is always late," I interjected staring Carlos down but trying to remain casual.

"Truth," Pierre hummed while I watched Carlos scrunch his eyebrows together but seemed to understand he shouldn't say anything else.

"There she is," Pierre said throwing his arms in the air. "Better late than never sis," he called out. "I swear you're worse than Charles."

Carlos now gained eye contact with me giving me the look of you wouldn't dare. Mia made her way up to us greeting everyone.

"Time is a luxury boys," Mia said teasingly as Pierre and Carlos had their cars pulled up by the valet. "And so are tiny sports cars," she mumbled realizing we would be taking two cars.

"I need some teammate time," I said patting Carlos's shoulder. I had some explaining to do with him.

Pierre leaned into Mia. "Sibling time for us," he said grabbing his keys and making his way to the car.

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