Monaco - Friends

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"Holy hell," I whispered looking up to where the travelers were arriving.

"There's my journalist," Annie yelled at the top of her lungs. "And we're in Monacoooooooooo," she let out like a crazy person coming down the escalator. Everyone in the airport turned to her like she was insane but I could only laugh. I could hear her from a mile away but Annie did not care.

Once she cleared the escalator she sprinted towards me with her luggage bouncing clumsily behind her. I braced my body for impact while she dove in for a hug.

The luggage was released and a sprawl of limbs was now around me along a fit of giggles.

"Monaco. Manaco," she chanted.

I pulled Annie off me and shoved my hand in front of her mouth. "You're in Nice you psycho. Don't make the French angry."

She pulled my hand away and hugged me again. "Impossible when I'm best friends with the French," she said. I chuckled and finally gave my dearest friend a hug.

"Welcome," I smiled. "Now let's get you in a car before you get us arrested."

Annie scoffed at me. "Come onnnn, let it fly. Ferrari get you all serious?"

A huff escaped me and I stepped back taking a deep breath. "Welcome to Monaco," I yelled finally throwing my arms up.

Annie smiled at me and threw her arm around my shoulder. My cheeks were flaming from the attention, but I couldn't deny Annie. "Now let's get in the car. You're embarrassing me."

I pushed Annie off me and grabbed her luggage. "Do you need to grab anything else?"

"Please, I travel light."

I grabbed Annie's hand and led her out of the airport to where the car was pulled up. Pierre let me borrow his car, easily the nicest car I have ever driven.

"That's our ride," Annie said shocked. "I need to work for Ferrari."

"Don't insult the car. It's an Aston Martin and Pierre's," I said throwing her luggage in the back and quickly shooing us into the car. The police were getting louder for us to move.

Once the doors were shut I finally relaxed looking over to Annie. "You're here," I yelled.

Annie leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I'm here, and I missed you."

"I missed you too, how was the flight?"

I turned the car on and put it in drive, maneuvering us slowly away from the terminal and airport. Annie spilling about how the flight felt too long. From Seattle to Atlanta. Atlanta to Nice. She was staying with me for the night before meeting up with some high school friends in Italy.

"Well that's the price you pay moving all the way to fucking Seattle."

"I don't know, you'd like it. Plus there is always a place for you on the team. You're good enough," Annie responded.

I scoffed at her. Annie went to play soccer in the national women's soccer league when we graduated. Spent the first years in Atlanta near me, then moved to Seattle a few months ago. She was way better than me but far too humble. "Please, I'm happily retired," I said ending that conversation.

"Plus Ferrari doesn't ruin the joints," Annie added.

"No it doesn't. How is it, you liking the new girls?"

Annie rolled her eyes. "So eager to please our coach. Beating my ass at our fitness tests, refusing to drink or party, hydrating properly. Boring."

I laughed at her response. Annie was always the teammate that could not train for a fitness test and pass with flying colors. Play the best game of her life hungover. "Your coach must love you," I teased.

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