Singapore - Intentions

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I walked on to the boat socially exhausted from the promo I had to do this morning. They had Andrea and I play a game that was designed as newly wed questions. Carlos and his head trainer would be going this afternoon to do it as well, then they would edit it to one of our challenge clips.

While it was originally fun, it stretched far too long and then the questions became more and more pointless. Fair enough that Andrea got moody half way through, he had important scheduling plans to make for the both of us over these next few weeks. My eventual restlessness came because I knew Mia probably arrived to the boat by now.

Her arrival was confirmed as soon as I walked onto the back deck. There was Mia on one of the loungers sunbathing. When I walked up to say hello, I immediately realized she was passed out which made me chuckle to myself. The jet lag was still bad for all of us that had been here almost two days now. Mia had to be exhausted.

I didn't bother her but went inside to the kitchen to make us a snack for later. From personal experience I knew that first nap left you ravished when you woke up.

To kill the time I went downstairs to change into my swim trunks and grab my book. Back up on the deck I settled in on the other sun lounger, pulled my ray bands down, and started reading until I was lost in Matthew McConaughey's memoir.

By the time I heard Mia's voice, I was half asleep struggling to get through the next few sentences.

"I don't know if I should wake you or let you fall asleep," she whispered from the lounger next to me. I put my book down and looked at Mia who looked spent even after her nap. Her sunglasses now off and eyes swollen. The sun and nap leaving her sweaty. Yet I still couldn't keep my eyes off her.

"It won't help attempts to get on local time," I smiled back. "Plus it's time for lunch," I said feeling sleepiness fade.

Mia stared at me. "Are you serious. I'm starving," her hands moving to her stomach while she spoke. I couldn't help myself as my eyes followed taking in her toned figure.

"I knew you would be. It's more of an appetizer. I'll go grab it. You wake up," I teased. 

Mia pulled me back to her eyes when she looked at me widely with a large smile and nodded eagerly.

I walked back inside grabbing some of the fruit, the deli sliders, and mango popsicles for dessert. When I made it back to Mia, she was clapping.

"You're a saint," she smiled as I put the food on the table between the loungers. We didn't speak again until the both of us had scarfed down almost everything.

"Thank you so much," she said content grabbing the mango popsicle and lounging comfortably.

"Anytime," I offered back.

"I don't know how you did it the day after Monza, that flight is exhausting."

"It's the price we pay," I said back letting the comfortable silence surround us. I built up the confidence for my new question.

"I have the rest of the day off. What do you say we take the dingy boat to a beach a little while away," I asked.

Mia smiled at me. "Already ready to explore," she said playfully.

I pulled my sunglasses off. "Well I didn't come to just race," I said winking at her.


Charles and I talked about the success of my article on the private beach. The boat was too noisy to chat when he was bringing us over, but I did enjoy watching him drive.

As soon as we settled into our spots, the conversation took off in its usual comfortable fashion. Charles asked about my inspiration for the story and shared that he thoroughly enjoyed the read. I explained how the piece was meant to compare and contrast to his first win in Monza. Recognize the similarities in the epic celebrations. Tell the story of how it changed from his first win though. Years of resilience between the two major Italian victories. The establishment of a hero to becoming a one of the legends. I explained how Fred inspired the title, Forza Leclerc.

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