Chapter 13

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Daelor discovers Haelys doing something she shouldn't be doing and is pissed. Deirys puts Cregan in a difficult position. I hope you guys like it 🥰

Daelor enjoyed the North , he liked how freeing it was and how people were not as uptight as in other regions. Even the wedding ceremony had been beautiful and Saerys had looked extremely happy. The feast had been fun and lively , everyone had been merry the whole time. No one had batted an eye when Cregan had punched one of the Glovers and the man had fallen unconscious to the ground. The other lords had merely moved him aside and then continued dancing. After the man woke up he laughed and continued to drink. An incident like that in Kings Landing would have put a stop to any feast.

He also liked the Godswood, they were huge, and someone could get lost in them. It was peaceful and allowed him time to think and be on his own . He had ridden his dragon earlier that day and now was in search of some peace. His nieces were running around, wild as always, and wreaking havoc on Winterfell. Daelor was sure that the maids, lords, and ladies would be very pleased when they left the North.

He was near one of the far walls that surrounded the Godswood and came to a stop, his body tightening and his eyes narrowed at what he was seeing. Haelys was leaning against one of the weirdwood trees and one of the Karstark's sons was pressed very close to her and running a hand down her face. He wanted to punch the man, tear him apart, or feed him to his dragon.

He did not stop to think, just stalked towards both of them grabbed the man by the neck, and slammed him against the other tree nearby. " What the fuck do you think you are doing ?"

The man's color changed quickly as he gasped for air. " My... Prin..."

"S he is a princess. " His hand tightened around the man's neck until he was sure he could not breathe. " You do not touch her. "

He saw the man's eyes roll to the back of his head before letting him go. The younger man coughed and rubbed his neck while Daelor glared at him. The lord did not stay long, almost running away from them.

Daelor turned to his niece who did not seem too concerned about what had just happened. " Have you lost your mind? What are you doing ?"

"I was trying to have some amusement. " Haelys rolled her eyes. " The poor man that you attacked so viciously was providing it for me ."

He wanted to shake her. " Are you trying to get him killed ?"

"W hy are you being so dramatic? " His eye twitched as she played with the ends of her hair. " It is not like I was fucking him ."

"N o, because I got here in time. Who knows what would have happened if I had not found the both of you ?"

"Y ou should trust me a bit more. " She pushed off the tree and crossed her arms behind her back, bringing his attention to the swell of her breasts. Her gold and red gown was a bit more modest than her other gowns, but it highlighted every single curve of her body. " I was only playing a little. I see no reason not to kiss a few men and have some fun once in a while ."

" T he reason you should not go around kissing men is because you are a princess and a lady. If anyone found out what you were doing your reputation would be ruined ."

"S o you are saying that you, your brothers, and every other man in the kingdom are allowed to fuck as many women as they want, but if someone finds me kissing a man then my reputation will be ruined ? "

He nodded, not knowing what was so confusing about it. " Yes. "

"T hat does not seem fair. " She said with a roll of her eyes. " So, kissing strange men is out of the question? "

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