Chapter 16

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Saerys and Cregan are getting ready for Lynara's wedding. We finally get to see Haelys's POV. I hope you guys like it 🥰

1 month later. Winterfell.

Saerys kissed her husband's chest before laying her head on it. They had woken up a few minutes earlier and were just enjoying the few peaceful minutes before they would have to get dressed and take over their duties for the day . She liked these moments the best when she had him all for herself and they could just lay next to each other without worrying.

"You are quiet." He continued caressing her back, dragging his fingers up and down her skin. "Is something bothering you?"

"No," She kissed his chest again before raising her head. "I just want to make sure everything is ready for the Bolton's arrival. I know you do not have the best relationship."

"We are not feuding." Cregan twisted one of her curls around a finger. "I just do not trust them. There is something about them , they have never liked that the Starks rule the North."

Saerys gave her husband a questioning look. "Are you sure is wise to marry Lynara to a Bolton? If they are trying to become Lord Paramount of the North, they could try and use her , she is a Stark after all."

"I will keep an eye on them and make sure everything continues to go the way it has been." Cregan gave her a reassuring smile. "I do not want you to worry."

"Of course I am going to worry." She stopped herself from rolling her eyes. "People, men especially, tend to underestimate women."

Cregan chuckled. "Are you speaking from experience?"

"Yes, I am." She straddled him and gave him a teasing smile. "People have always seen me as the quiet and sweet one, which to them means I must be weak."

Cregan sat up and pressed her harder against his front until she was sitting on top of his cock. "Well, that is their mistake. I hope you had Arrax eat them for their audacity."

"No, that would be too obvious." She wrapped her arms around his neck and ran her lips over his cheek. "I have other ways of getting even."

"I love it when you show me how fierce you can be."

She moaned when he kissed her and immediately opened her mouth for him. They had been busy since Lynara's betrothal had been announced . Since the woman was a Stark, it was expected that she would have a grand wedding and Cregan had not wanted to give people a reason to talk. Saerys did not mind the woman would have a grand wedding , she was more than happy to give it to her as long as she left afterward.

Sara and Saerys had been trying to help Lynara with the preparations for the wedding and the confection of the gown . Lynara had protested the entire time , she found fault with everything. She did not like the food, she wanted the great hall decorated a certain way, and her gown was not to her liking. There had been a point when Saerys had been sure Sara would strangle the woman. It had not taken long for Saerys to figure out that Lynara and Sara did not like each other , she had also been able to figure out why. Lynara believed herself to be better than Sara and treated the other woman poorly. Saerys had made it clear to Lynara that she expected Sara to be treated with respect . She did not care if Sara was a bastard , her character was much better than a lot of noble ladies Saerys had met.

She broke the kiss and gave Cregan a secretive smile. "I do have some news that has nothing to do with the wedding."

"If you are trying to tell me Deirys took the chicken to Kings Landing, I already know."

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