Chapter 6

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Alaerya gets in trouble. Cregan makes a request. I hope you guys like it 🥰

                                                           Daemon  Targaryen (52 years old

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                                                           Daemon Targaryen (52 years old.)

"I wish to know what you were thinking. " Alaerya felt the urge to roll her eyes , she knew her father would not appreciate that gesture. " Do you have any idea what this will do to your reputation? You are to be the next queen ."

"Y es, you have said that several times. " She sighed and tried to keep her annoyance at bay. " Why are you so upset about it? Aemon and I are betrothed ."

"T hat does not mean you can be caught fucking in a hallway. "

Her father had been incandescent with rage when he had been told about one of the knights and one of the Reach lords catching her and Aemon in a compromising position. They had already been done , but it was clear what they had been doing. The lord had grown red in the face and after stammering had almost run away from them. The guard's face had been stoic, but she knew her and Aemon's indiscretion would not stay secret. Within three hours the entire castle was abuzz with the news and her father had slammed his way into her chambers. Alaerya did not see the problem, she and Aemon would be married in a moon's time, but her father had issues with her behavior, which she found very amusing considering everything the man had done in his life.

"W hy are you behaving like this? " She stood up, annoyed with the whole situation. " It is not as if you have never made any mistakes ."

"I have made many mistakes, but that does not mean I want you to do the same. There is also the fact that men and women are not judged in the same way ."

She hated any time people said that to her like that explanation was supposed to make things make sense. " But that is not fair ."

"T he world is not fair Alaerya ! " She had never seen him so angry before. " You are to be the first reigning queen in your own right, which means that everything you do is being scrutinized ."

He would have continued yelling had it not been for her mother who entered the chambers at that exact moment. Her mother did not look too happy either, but at least she was not yelling. Her mother looked between her and her father and let out a tired breath.

"D aemon. " Her mother patted his hand and gave him a small smile. " Father is asking to see you , he says it is important ."

Her father nodded and glared at Alaerya one last time before walking out of her chambers. She waited until the doors had closed before turning to her mother. " You can spare me the lecture , I believe father has said more than enough ."

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