Chapter 23

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Rhaenyra argues with Deirys about the dragon egg. The Targaryens leave the North. I hope you guys like it 🥰

Rhaenyra looked from her daughter to the black dragon egg and tried not to snap. She should have known Deirys would do something like this. Her daughter was always surprising them and sometimes not in a good way. Rhaenyra loved all three of her grandchildren and she wished they could all have dragons, but the truth was that they could not. That would give dragons to too many houses and they could try to rebel against them in the future. It had been decided that dragons would be given to the children in direct line to the throne, which was the reason why all her daughters had one. But their children would not be able to have dragons. Alaerya's children were the only ones who had been given dragon eggs at the time of their birth. Her daughters were all perfectly aware of the law and they did not have any issues with them.

"Deirys," She tried to keep the angry tone from her voice, but it was hard. "What is that?"

Her daughter looked at her like she was stupid. "Is a dragon egg."

Rhaenyra's eyes twitched. "Why do you have a dragon egg?"

"Well, I could not come to my nephew's birth without a present, now could I?" Her daughter gestured at the egg. "A dragon egg is the perfect gift."

Rhaenyra took several deep breaths before talking again. "Deirys, you can't give dragon eggs, that is not your right."

"Why not?" Her daughter frowned, not happy with the information. "I am a princess of the blood and you have told me that I have a right to the dragons."

"No, I have said you have a right to your dragon." She swore the little girl only listened to half of what she said. "How did you even get the dragon egg?"

Deirys gave her a suspicious look like it was Rhaenyra who had done something wrong. "I have my ways."

She gave her daughter a suspicious look. "Did you convince one of the dragon keepers to give you the egg?"

Deirys shook her head. "No, they would never do that, knowing that you would kill them."

Rhaenyra raised an eyebrow. "Then how did you get it?"

Deirys refused to tell her. "Like I said before, I have my ways."

"Fine!" She knew she would not be getting any other information about how her daughter got the dragon's egg. "How did you get the egg here?"

Deirys snorted and shook her head. "Like I am going to tell you that."

Rhaenyra was growing out of patience. "You are aware I am your mother and you have to do as I say?"

"I know that you are my mother and I love you very much." Deirys gave her a sweet smile before shaking her head. "But I have never understood why I have to do as you say. Who says that you are always right? What if you tell me to do something I do not like or that I do not want to do? What if you tell me that I should jump off a tower? Should I still obey you?"

Rhaenyra stared at the little girl with her mouth hanging open when a laugh came from her left. She turned to glare at her husband who was trying very hard to hold in his laughter.

"You are aware that she is your daughter too? This is also your problem." Daemon nodded his head. "Do not stand there, say something."

"Love," Daemon kneeled in front of Deirys and took both her small hands in his. "Why do you think Rickon should have a dragon egg?"

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