Chapter 18

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Daemon and Baelon talk. Saerys prepares Winterfell for her family's arrival. I hope you guys like it 🥰

Kings Landing.

Daemon was not happy about Daelor's request and he was not afraid to let it be known. His family knew that his daughters were too young to be wed. It was not enough that his two eldest daughters were married and already with child. Haelys and Jaehaera were too young to be wed, and while he was thankful that Jaehaera had rejected every request for her hand he lived in fear of the day she would fall in love.

"Are you going to pout forever?" His father appeared beside him and gave him an annoyed look. "It has been two moons, when are you going to get over it?"

"Oh, I should get over it?" He glared at his father. "Just because you allowed Daelor to court my daughter, who is not even of age yet?"

His father rolled his eyes. "Is not like I allowed them to marry, he is courting her and I say he is doing a very good job."

"I do not like it."

"Well, I did not like when you put your eyes on my only daughter, but here we are." His father snapped, annoyed with his attitude. "At least you have several more daughters, so do not give this stupid attitude. You knew they would have to marry."

Daemon hated it when his father was right, mostly because the man would not let him hear the end of it. Daelor had been doing an excellent job courting Haelys, he not only accompanied her on dragon rides, hawking, sailing, and walks, but he also showered her with gifts. The first week of the courtship Daelor had gifted Haelys with a chest made of solid gold and encrusted in emeralds. The chest had been filled with diamonds, sapphires, pearls, and rubies. People still talk about it to this day and it did not end there. His bother had gifted Haelys with rare books, and expensive silks, and he had also filled Haelys's chambers with flowers. Daemon did not remember the last time he had seen his daughter so happy, which was the only reason why he had not opposed it.

"Alaerya will be giving birth soon." He nodded at his father's words. His eldest daughter was supposed to have another moon to go, but she was so heavily pregnant that Daemon was sure she would not make it that long. "How long after the birth are you and Rhaenyra planning to travel to Winterfell?"

"I believe a fortnight." Rhaenyra had insisted that they be present when Saerys gave birth and Daemon did not disagree. He knew how easy it was for women to die in the birthing bed and he would be present to make sure every maester and midwife knew that he would kill them all if something happened to his daughter. "I was thinking that maybe Haelys should travel with us."

"Why? From what Rhaenrya said only Visenya, Alysanne, Deirys, Alyssa, and Daenerys would be traveling with you."

"I do not think leaving Haelys and Daelor on their own is a good idea."

His father rolled his eyes. "Nothing is going to happen, at least nothing that would not happen even if you were still here."

He hated that his father was right again. "Maybe Deirys should stay."

"Hells no!" His father shook his head emphatically. "Do not leave her here with me, you will return to the Red Keep having been burnt down, most of Kings Landings in disarray, our subjects eaten and the only thing left standing would be Deirys, Tarrax, and that cursed chicken."

Daemon resisted the urge to smile. "She is not that bad."

"She is not that..." His father gaped at him. "Did you know that I had to offer more gold to the maids and servants in charge of the nursery? They refused to even approach the halls leading to it. The other day I was with Deirys and that stupid chicken pecked me. Me! The King!"

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