Chapter 27

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This is the end and I want to thank everyone who has read and like the story. I hope you guys like it 🥰

Due to popular request and the fact that I have Deirys's voice stuck in my head, I will be writing a story about her.

4 months later.

Leaving her family had been difficult , she hated leaving them while they were still grieving, but she had no choice. As much as she loved her parents, sisters, uncles, and grandmother, her place was with her husband and children. Cregan had been away from Winterfell for far too long and it was time for them to return. Her children had been missing their home and they were not comfortable around the Red Keep when her entire family was grieving. They did not understand why their mother cried so much , why she did not smile as often or took them to see the dragons. As the days passed and grief continued to consume her she felt like a failure and guilty for not being able to pull herself out of the hole she had fallen into.

They had arrived at Winterfell a senninght ago and Saerys was still having trouble sleeping. Cregan had been incredibly patient with her, but she could tell he was growing frustrated. Her poor husband had been watching her grieve nonstop while taking care of the children and all their needs.

"Mama," She looked down at her two name day son, who was reaching up to her. "Up, mama!"

She picked up her son and kissed the side of his head, enjoying how warm his small body felt. "I am sorry for leaving you alone for so long."

Alaric gave her a questioning look. "Are you sad, mama?"

She gave him a small smile. "I will be fine."

She did not want her sons to see her as someone who spent her days crying around the castle and forgetting about them. She knew her grandsire would not want her to drown herself in grief. He had been such a vibrant person and he wanted them all to be happy and have fulfilling lives. What hurt her the most was that she had been the only one who had not been able to say goodbye. She had learned how he had died and how he had spent his last night with their whole family, laughing and telling stories. Her sisters and her parents had that last moment with him and she had nothing. She had not even been able to see him one last time and she hated that.

"Saerys," Cregan's voice was tired as he walked into the nursery and saw tears running down her face. He took Alaric from her arms and handed him to the nursemaid, waiting for the woman to leave before turning to her and shaking his head. "You can't continue like this , you will grow ill. You have been ill, do not think I have not noticed and you have lost weight."

She shrugged and walked out of the nursery, groaning when he followed. "I am not hungry."

"You might not be hungry, but you need to eat." He entered their chambers behind her. "Saerys, I need you to come back to me and to our children."

"I am here." She turned to him, angry that he was questioning her commitment to their family, mostly because she was blaming herself for it . "I am sorry if the way I grieve is not pleasant for you."

He shook his head and gave her a sad look, which only made her feel even worse. "That is not what I meant, Saerys."

She did not want to see him, did not want to look at his disappointed face. "Then what do you mean? Because I do not know what you want."

"I want my wife back." The look on his face was heartbreaking. "I know you are grieving and I can understand that, but you need to at least try . I need you , our children need you."

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