Chapter 25

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This chapter is sad. I don't know what else to say, is just sad 😢

2 months later.

Baelon was tired , he grew a bit more tired every day and could not ride his dragon any longer. He still visited Vhagar from time to time, but it was becoming more and more exhausting to travel to the dragon pit. While he did not look as old as he was, he felt it in his bones. It was becoming more difficult to carry out his duties and his children and wife had been taking more of his work every day .

"My love," He smiled at her voice, sweet as honey and always brought him happiness and calm. "You have been out here for a while. You should come in before you catch a chill."

He turned to his wife, his sweet Aemma, who did not look a day older than the day they married. She had been with him since the beginning, backing his decisions and supporting him. She had done things she was not proud of to protect him and their family , he could not have asked for a better wife. He could not have asked for a better family, they all brought him great pride and he knew they would be safe once he was gone.

"I was just thinking." He took the hand his wife offered and followed her into the chambers, taking the seat she pulled out for him.

Aemma poured him some tea and handed him the cup. "About what?"

"About what we have created." He took a sip of the tea, the familiar taste bringing him comfort. Aemma had started preparing it for him when she noticed he was in pain. That had been moons ago. "About our children and grandchildren, about everything they have accomplished and everything they will accomplish one day."

"Yes, they are all good and very accomplished." She smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "They will do amazing things."

"Yes," He smiled, thinking of his children. "Daemon will be an excellent king, especially with Rhaenyra by his side ."

Aemma's smile became wistful. "Yes, they love each other deeply and are very happy together."

Baelon nodded, looking at his wife for a moment. "Have I made you happy?"

Aemma frowned and gave him a confused look. "Of course, I have been the happiest at your side. You have given me everything I could have ever wanted. You, our children, and grandchildren are what make me happy."

"Good." He cupped her face, allowing himself to experience the overwhelming love he felt for her. "I have always wanted to make you happy and I apologize if there was something I did that made you suffer."

"Of course not." She frowned and he could tell she did not like what he was saying. "Why are you talking this way?"

He shook his head. "There is no reason. I just want to make sure you know how much I love you."

She smiled at him but still looked a bit nervous. "I love you too, Baelon."

She kissed him sweetly, pouring everything she felt into the kiss and he responded happily. There had never been a man luckier than he was, with more blessings than he had been granted . He had supper with his family that night , laughing and enjoying his grandchildren and great-grandchildren's antics. He watched Deirys arguing with one of her uncles , he could tell she was winning the argument. Deirys was fierce and he knew his granddaughter was meant to be a queen or an empress. Whatever she chose, she would be great at it.

He said good night to his family before laying in bed, Aemma beside him with her head laying on his chest right over his heart. He could tell the moment she fell asleep and his eyes slid shut. A few moments later his heart stopped beating and King Baelon Targaryen passed away peacefully after six and thirty years on the throne.

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