Lost Without Her...Lost Without Him

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Author Note: A heavy hitting and short little chapter, I spent a while away from this and am getting back into it. Bare with me and the drama in this chapter.

Alastor stayed close to the King in silence until going through the process to be discharged with a few sheets of paperwork he was more or less obligated to sign. Usually Lucifer's suffering would make him laugh, or arouse some less desirable feelings, but now...he couldn't help but feel guilty, almost as if he was abandoning him.

It wasn't like it was his decision though, he wasn't welcome there...and unless he could convince Charlie otherwise it would stay that way. Surely she wasn't so stubborn as to refuse the man a third chance? Though usually second chances were hard enough to get to begin with...that left this all the more concerning.

Alastor found himself in a rickety old wheelchair leaving the hospital, relieved to be in his coat again, feeling as if a great sense of longing was lifted as his cane rested on his thigh and the crook of his neck, the only place he could place it while focusing all his attention on steering. Lucifer followed in silence behind him, tightening his fists as he seen Alastor turning the corner, nearly about to steer himself right into the stairs. "Wait! Woah woah woah stop right there!"

He grabbed him just moments away from disaster, gripping the handles of the wheelchair as Alastor peeked down at the flight of stairs below him.

"This thing is a piece of junk, it wouldn't turn right no matter how hard I directed it!"

Lucifer pinched his nose. Another thing to have a word with this hospital about, the list just kept growing.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay? Now that I know you're steering a death machine I'm not sure if I'm comfortable..."

"It'll be fine. My imps can manage."

The Radio Demon snapped his fingers, his imps filling the space and taking over, Lucifer putting his hands up as the mischievous looking things pushed Alastor back down the hall and into the elevator. Now he truly realized he wasn't needed by him.

Al had his imps. Charlie had Al and a whole set of staff. Now that he was out of the picture he assumed he wasn't needed anymore. Lilith was gone...she used to love his doting, at least she did for a time. Hell had changed her unsurprisingly...it changed him too, but he seemed to retain more of that pureness than her now. Did nobody need him anymore? Nobody he cared about that is.

Upon reaching the hospital exit, Alastor turned to the devil with a soft smile, almost one that was a little sad. "Guess this is me. I'll be seeing you when the time permits." Lucifer froze, staring at the door, his eyes dark as he put up his hand to wave before it dropped down to his side. Alastor shook his head, not liking his expression one bit; it was a look of complete hopelessness, misery.

His toothy grin took over his whole face. "A smile my dear. You're never fully dressed without a smile.~"

Lucifer sighed as he listened to Alastor sing his little line, giving him a big grin with a tear in his eye, watching Alastor leave with his heart, a trail of blood following his wheels as the door closed behind him.

The smile remained on his face until he left, in his silence he wiped his eye and held a straight face, heading back to the palace with his wings when he made it outside.

His wings fought him on the way home, feeling the isolation hit him harder than ever before, his sanity clawing to hold on to his rapid speed in the sky, having hit his brink and dodging unsuspecting hellish crows that squawked with teeth out at his commotion.

"Fuck...fuck this! Fuck you Al. You didn't need to do that. I—I didn't need to do this...I-I should have never got so close." He smacked face first into a clear glass tower with tears clouding his vision, falling to the ground below with his eyes covered and people staring.

Feeling their eyes, he deepened his voice with a warning,

"Go away! I mean it...I will kill each and every one of you if you don't leave me the fuck alone."

The sinners and imps murmured to one another, typing on their phones before fire left his lips, horns out and eyes ablaze.

"...Fuck off. Now. Now!"

They left after seeing him taking his aggression more seriously, his fists tight as he pounded a crater into the ground beneath him with a quick jab to the ground.

The King laid there for a while, staring at the Heavens above. He had to hold on...for him...for himself, for his stupid daughter who questioned his strength that he knew he could control, even if it was only for a few days longer.

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