Some Friction

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Has it been another ten chapters already? You know what that means! The twentieth chapter will contain some delightful pounding, a bit more back and forth than the first. *eyebrows eyebrows*

Lucifer left to get some tea, a sigh leaving him as he thought about Alastor still being shy with him. He'd get into his heart with a little coaxing he hoped, and a gentle hand, the man really kept him on the ropes, possibly even more so than Lilith who innocently pulled his clothes down in an attempt to cool him off, or insisted on peeking into his cloak when she saw him wearing it, he always had to stop her when her innocence remained. By the end she was far, far from innocent, possibly even more sinful than himself, and unafraid to manipulate and display her prowess. Now he was the one in her position and couldn't help but chuckle softly to himself. That emptiness, the forgetfulness, the desire to escape into the void that he had fallen into the past week in his smiling rubber duckies was in the back of his mind, it took him back to his moments of happiness with her, when he had some clarity. His eyes regained some of their sparkle that they had only recently started showing when he first began helping Charlie.

He headed down to the hospital cafeteria, going to get some food and perhaps talk to one of the cooks in charge about their meal quality when he overheard the nurses talking. "Did you see where Daisy went?"

"She went up to aid the radio demon...I would guess things didn't end well. After the news I wouldn't fucking go up there."

"Yeah. I tried to call her a few times but her damn battery died. Safe to bet she was his first meal of the day if that's where she went, poor little thing."

"She didn't really know what she was getting into did she?"

"Not a clue. She was pretty new around here."

The phone.

Lucifer really needed to have a word about him eating people so nonchalantly. That blood wasn't from breakfast and it left a sour taste in his mouth to think that he did such a thing, even though he caught Alastor straight up downing loan sharks. This was different though, this girl had probably done nothing wrong and was just doing her job.

He grabbed a tray and approached the cafeteria line, getting some soup that looked suspicious to say the least. It was thick and slimy, red too. Probably easier for him to conjure food but he grew tired of always depending on his powers to do every little thing. It didn't take long before he heard gossip regarding himself and his reasons for being there from people in the line, listening to them with a glance from the corner of his eye.

"The big dick is here. Whadda think he's doing?"

"Probably meeting up with that dog guy, or some thin'."

"Thought he was a deer?"

"Yeah that guy, what do you think they're talking about?"

"Who knows, hopefully it ain't anything his wife wouldn't approve of."

"It's probably just about that dumbass hotel project, his daughter is so delusional it isn't even funny. Sure they prevented the extermination but that don't mean jack shit far as I'm concerned."

"Hey look at it this way, at least they saved us from the chopping block."

His cat eyes came into view as he turned to them and hissed, not liking their ridicule of his daughter and her project.

"S-Sorry your majesty," one of the patients replied as the devil snorted and turned away.

Having had enough of the cafeteria, he carried the tray back up to the room, coming in and setting the tray down in front of Alastor who had calmed down, liking the warmth of the tea and soup resting on his lap.

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